How much do people with perm ileos drink? And what? I know I need to be careful of dehydration, but they scared me about drinking too much at the hospital, and now I'm confused.
They kept telling me I needed to drink more to get off of the ^%$#@ IV, so I upped my intake massively; ended up drinking about 3 litres of water finally. They were pleased and shut off the IV. That night I had a MASSIVE blow out, mostly due to the fact that my output was so incredibly thin... So the next day they told me I was drinking too much! They said to keep it to about 1-1.5 litres a day.
I think I'm doing okay; my output is thicker and I don't feel constantly thirsty but I'm not urinating too much -- certainly not like before the surgery. When I do go, it is not bright yellow or smelly or anything, so maybe I'm okay?
They also told me to make sure that EVERYTHING I put in my mouth had some sort of nutritional value, so not to drink plain water, but to alternate multivitamin juice, sport drink, tea, milk, boullion...
Just wondering what others drink and how much.