I've read a few posts on here about the subject and thought I would just chime in with my own experiences so far. I tried a glass of white wine about one month post take down, wasn't a good idea. I waited another month and tried a bottle of Guinness beer, that wasn't any better. I just tried 2 shots of vodka over ice with some lemon - that's my preferred drink - and the results were pretty much the same, not a good idea. Each time, a short while later, I had a bowel movement that started out semi normal - whatever semi normal qualifies for nowadays - that soon turned into a two hour never-ending watery bathroom trip that ended up making my butt so irritated and painful to the touch that I felt like it was my first week post take down. Bad enough to convince me to wait another couple months before I try again. What exactly is the science behind what happens with consuming alcohol when one has a Jpouch; why does this happen? I have to admit I miss being a social drinker but will do whatever needs to be done; if that means no more drinking then so be it but that would really suck
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