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I received a letter over the weekend stating Dr. Shen is leaving the Cleveland Clinic.  No new appointments after November 15th.

I'm now searching for a replacement as he has been my regular pouch doc for the last 10 years (local resident to Cleveland).  They supplied the names of a couple of other docs in the letter, but I don't know where to even begin with selecting one.

Has anyone had any experience with any of the following doctors?

Dr. Jessica Philpott
Dr. Benjamin Click
Dr. Aaron Brzezinski

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!


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He is going to columbiA Presbyterian in NY. He seemed very happy about the move when I saw him last month. I did not receive my letter yet, but as soon as I do I will start the process of sending my CC records to his new office. I just sent ) records from recent scope to my local doctors. I had to do it through the records office—not Shen’s office.

i hope the new Staff will be as good as the ones at CC (I have always had a good experience with the staff)


yes I posted this well over a month ago when he told me in August. He was supposed to start in NYC November 1st but letter says hes staying till the 15th. His daughter goes to college there and Cleveland Clinic is going downhill. A lot of the good docs left a few years ago due to the new leader changing their focus to cancer. They have dropped from #2 to #4 this year . Remzi was my surgeon for my redo and I am local to Cleveland as well. No idea who I will see at this point as Shen has helped me with a lot of odd issues that no other GI knows of the pouch.

Last edited by Pouchomarx

I am a patient of his from NJ and couldn't be happier to hear of the move.  I would make the drive out to Cleveland to see him periodically for about 10 years.  I recommend that the local Cleveland folks make the drive to NYC to periodically visit and to maintain a relationship with another local GI.  The trip was always well worth it to me since I have a quirky pouch.

The drive is only about 6 hours.  Its about 2.5 tanks of gas (round trip) and a hotel room.  I would normally leave around 4PM the night before, arrive at the hotel late and go right to sleep.  I'd try for a morning appointment and leave the Clinic asap to drive home. 

Don't fly...If you fly, you'll need to plan all sorts of extra buffer time so you don't miss a flight and you'll also risk missing an appointment altogether if there is poor weather and flights are cancelled. 

Good luck all!

JPouchJoe posted:

I am a patient of his from NJ and couldn't be happier to hear of the move.  I would make the drive out to Cleveland to see him periodically for about 10 years.  I recommend that the local Cleveland folks make the drive to NYC to periodically visit and to maintain a relationship with another local GI.  The trip was always well worth it to me since I have a quirky pouch.

The drive is only about 6 hours.  Its about 2.5 tanks of gas (round trip) and a hotel room.  I would normally leave around 4PM the night before, arrive at the hotel late and go right to sleep.  I'd try for a morning appointment and leave the Clinic asap to drive home. 

Don't fly...If you fly, you'll need to plan all sorts of extra buffer time so you don't miss a flight and you'll also risk missing an appointment altogether if there is poor weather and flights are cancelled. 

Good luck all!

its a 7 hour drive and I don't think my health insurance would cover that unfortunately

marz posted:

He is going to columbiA Presbyterian in NY. He seemed very happy about the move when I saw him last month. I did not receive my letter yet, but as soon as I do I will start the process of sending my CC records to his new office. I just sent ) records from recent scope to my local doctors. I had to do it through the records office—not Shen’s office.

i hope the new Staff will be as good as the ones at CC (I have always had a good experience with the staff)


does health insurance cover out of state docs that move like that? I don't think mine would, or it would be out of network which is way to costly

I have not reached out to Dr. Shen yet, but I thought he was still at CCF until mid-November. If that is the case, his response makes sense as he would have legal issues if he talked about taking on patients at his next job. That would be unethical and certainly an issue if he did so as a CCF employee. It would be best to go through the new entity when he is on staff there. That is what I am planning to do. 

Last edited by JBS

I saw Dr Shen only 2 times loved him as I moved to Erie,Pa and drove to Cleveland to see him...It was crazy as he knows my Dr’s at Cedar Sini in CA whom were the BEST then I did research before having to move and Dr Shen was it!!! Now, his move saddens me tho I’m the person whom follows a GREAT DR, it’s a MUST...So, I’m planning on following him... 

Wish everyone well.....


I have been a patient of his for 17 years and am devastated. As of now None of my original Doctors are there. I got to see him Oct 29 and he seemed kinda sad. I gave him two hugs and told him thank for everything he has done for me and wished him the best. I don't think my state/government insurance will cover me seeing him. I am open to any recommendations or tips in that area. He recommend that I see Dr. Philpott he said she is good. And another Doctor I see said the same. I am counting on it seeing how my case can be difficult. Thursday was is last day then he was making the drive from Ohio to NY then going to China  for a week. 

someone said he was there until Nov 15th? guess not, Yeah I have had him since my first surgery in 2008.. he has helped me with so many problems and I am devastated as well.. I saw him a few months ago and he said I was the first patient he told. He did seem sad as you said.. Cleveland Clinic messed up bad letting him and Remzi walk.. They say patient first, that's BS.. They are all about power and money..

I’ve been having lower back pain, cramping, nausea, tummy feels like a balloon at times, tight, very uncomfortable. It’s been almost 4 weeks.. if eat I feel uncomfortable. I go through this few times a year. With Dr Shen gone I have to wait till end of March to see Dr. anyone ever go through this..J-Pouch 19 years now.Thanks


TAJ posted:

I’ve been having lower back pain, cramping, nausea, tummy feels like a balloon at times, tight, very uncomfortable. It’s been almost 4 weeks.. if eat I feel uncomfortable. I go through this few times a year. With Dr Shen gone I have to wait till end of March to see Dr. anyone ever go through this..J-Pouch 19 years now.Thanks


that is unacceptable.. Which doctor did you call? His letter had 3-4 doctors to followup with. I have been with Shen for over 10 years and this is my concern, who to see that's competent

TAJ posted:

I gave them three of the Dr names, tho I have appointment in March it’s just when you need a Dr you are unable to see one...

its always go to ER and they don’t ever know anything about a J Pouch!  


Yeah its amazing the Cleveland Clinic ER staff knows nothing about a jpouch, you would think since they are one of the top hospitals that do them they would at least me somewhat knowledgeable about them.. I don't know how many times they ask to see live in Erie PA now? I live near by. I've had my j pouch since 1989. I too am saddened by Dr Shen leaving. I recently saw Dr Philpott. Definitely not a Dr Shen. But not sure what or who else to see. I am on entyvio infusions now do I need to continue with my care at CCF. Plus my husband & I both now are cancer patients so don't think s trip into NYC especially now with covi19! Crazy mess. I truly miss Dr Shen. Dr Lavery too. He saved my life back in 1989. He retired also. So the Dr that took his patients too & again.. nowhere near a Dr Lavery. I wish everyone the best to finding a new Dr or getting in to see Dr shen! Stay healthy


I have been a patient of Dr. Shen’s for many years and was surprised by his move to Columbia.  He is currently doing appointments by video and you can transition as a patient without a visit or scope at this point - it was very easy.  I am planning to travel to NY for a scope when things return to normal, whatever that looks like.  It was great to see Dr. Shen and I am looking forward to staying under his care.  Also, his main nurse is now at Columbia as well.  

@JBS posted:

I have been a patient of Dr. Shen’s for many years and was surprised by his move to Columbia.  He is currently doing appointments by video and you can transition as a patient without a visit or scope at this point - it was very easy.  I am planning to travel to NY for a scope when things return to normal, whatever that looks like.  It was great to see Dr. Shen and I am looking forward to staying under his care.  Also, his main nurse is now at Columbia as well.  

his nurse Abi? hopefully not Anne, she was awful.. live in Erie PA now? I live near by. I've had my j pouch since 1989. I too am saddened by Dr Shen leaving. I recently saw Dr Philpott. Definitely not a Dr Shen. But not sure what or who else to see. I am on entyvio infusions now do I need to continue with my care at CCF. Plus my husband & I both now are cancer patients so don't think s trip into NYC especially now with covi19! Crazy mess. I truly miss Dr Shen. Dr Lavery too. He saved my life back in 1989. He retired also. So the Dr that took his patients too & again.. nowhere near a Dr Lavery. I wish everyone the best to finding a new Dr or getting in to see Dr shen! Stay healthy


I live in Cleveland and I had Dr Shen for 11 years, we have been through a lot. Many needle knife treatments and some procedures never done before. I miss him so much and I do email him if I ever have questions. I did see Dr Philpott a few months ago and although shes no Dr Shen, I think I liked her. I am due for an upper and lower scope by the end of the year. My pouch is far from perfect so we shall see. I had my pouch redo by Dr Remzi right before he left for NYC as well. We have become close and text him all the time. My sister who has Crohns  and lives in Florida, was having an issue, so I called him and he had a collegue that he knows at that hospital and he personally called the chair down there and got this doctor to take over her care.. This was so awesome.. love him

Yes Abby Dr Shen's nurse went with him. Anne stayed at CCF but not as active as before.She rotates to the other clinic sites. Anne is too scattered for me. I get more overwhelmed when my communication is with her. I just started with Dr Philpott. I can't recall her nurse's name. It will be a yr in July that I've been on entyvio. Not sure if my body is responding. I haven't been able to get an answer from Dr if it will just take more time. Side effects now are headache & sore throat. ( Not side effects I'm wanting at this crazy pandemic). You all take care.. stay strong & healthy. This too shall pass. 

I see Dr. Philpott because Dr. Shen recommended her and they worked on several things together. But it's hard adjusting when you have had the same Doctor for almost 20 years. I am on Entyvio and Stelara but I don't think either is really working. I was looking into possibly moving but every thing is at a standstill. While Dr. Philpott does listen to me. My other Doctors really don't seem to be. 

For folks at Cleveland Clinic, I highly recommend Benjamin Cohen.  I have seen him for my pouch (and chronic pouchitis, frequent obstructions, the works) for about a decade now at Mount Sinai in NYC, but he very recently left there for Cleveland Clinic (possibly hasn't even started yet, with COVID-19 delaying pretty much everything in life).  But once he is seeing patients, I strongly urge you to give him a shot.  I found him to be excellent -it took me over a decade to find a gastroenterologist in NYC that really specialized in and understands pouches.  I will miss him a lot.  

@njd posted:

For folks at Cleveland Clinic, I highly recommend Benjamin Cohen.  I have seen him for my pouch (and chronic pouchitis, frequent obstructions, the works) for about a decade now at Mount Sinai in NYC, but he very recently left there for Cleveland Clinic (possibly hasn't even started yet, with COVID-19 delaying pretty much everything in life).  But once he is seeing patients, I strongly urge you to give him a shot.  I found him to be excellent -it took me over a decade to find a gastroenterologist in NYC that really specialized in and understands pouches.  I will miss him a lot.  

interesting, I wonder if Cleveland Clinic recruited him due to Shen leaving. Can he do a lot of things that Shen did? , as the current GI's there just seem to know about pouch issues but are not passionate about it like Shen and don't seem to have the capabilities that Shen did. I did see Dr Philpott a few months back and she seemed ok but like I said if anything out the ordinary pops up I don't believe any of the GI's there are capable.. I could be wrong but just my opinion. I was with Shen for 12 years

Did they say why to leave CCF?

there were issues with the new direction that the Clinic is going, a lot of good docs left there, even the best pouch surgeon in the world left a few years back for some of this reason, Dr Feza Remzi who was my surgeon as well. I have also heard that Dr Shen couldn't get funding he needed to continue his research on jpouches. Its a shame really. Dr Shen also told me his daughter just started at an Ivy League college there and wanted to be near her.

I feel the same way now about CCF. Dr Philpott is who I was able to get an appt with. I knew instantly that I will not have the same relationship with her as I did Dr Shen. I also had to see Dr Hull for severe rectal pain & well let's just say I really miss Dr Ashburn too. I sure wish all of us the best as we continue our care at CCF. If Dr Cohen gets to CCF after the virus I may see him. Take care everyone.

@Pouchomarx posted:

interesting, I wonder if Cleveland Clinic recruited him due to Shen leaving. Can he do a lot of things that Shen did? , as the current GI's there just seem to know about pouch issues but are not passionate about it like Shen and don't seem to have the capabilities that Shen did. I did see Dr Philpott a few months back and she seemed ok but like I said if anything out the ordinary pops up I don't believe any of the GI's there are capable.. I could be wrong but just my opinion. I was with Shen for 12 years

I think that may be the case... As I understand it, it should be something of a promotion for Dr. Cohen.  Not certain of his new title/role/responsibilities.  Dr. Shen is a surgeon, correct?  If so, then they won't be in exactly the same boat.  I always saw Dr. Cohen as a Gastro in conjunction with a separate surgeon at Mt. Sinai (who I only saw when things got rough, as they always do and will).  For what it's worth, both of them have kept me out of any surgeries, despite dozens of hospitalizations for my recurring obstructions due to severe scar tissue from my initial surgeries in 1998-1999.  I had toxic megacolon, and would have been a goner, so putting up with the scar tissue is preferable to more surgery, in my book.  Dr. Cohen has played a major role in keeping things functional for me, while also always advising me of new treatments, meds, and options.  If you're looking for recs, I strongly urge giving him a shot.  

@njd posted:

I think that may be the case... As I understand it, it should be something of a promotion for Dr. Cohen.  Not certain of his new title/role/responsibilities.  Dr. Shen is a surgeon, correct?  If so, then they won't be in exactly the same boat.  I always saw Dr. Cohen as a Gastro in conjunction with a separate surgeon at Mt. Sinai (who I only saw when things got rough, as they always do and will).  For what it's worth, both of them have kept me out of any surgeries, despite dozens of hospitalizations for my recurring obstructions due to severe scar tissue from my initial surgeries in 1998-1999.  I had toxic megacolon, and would have been a goner, so putting up with the scar tissue is preferable to more surgery, in my book.  Dr. Cohen has played a major role in keeping things functional for me, while also always advising me of new treatments, meds, and options.  If you're looking for recs, I strongly urge giving him a shot.  

No Dr Shen was a GI, but he did a lot of procedure endoscopically that not a lot of GII's do, or know how to. He pioneered a lot the procedures himself, and its odd that although Cleveland Clinic is a "teaching hospital", none of the GI's can do what he did..

Short Version: Dr. Shen = amazing man and a gift to his GI patients; Cleveland Clinic = uncaring, awful place for GI patients. Don’t go there, it’s not a great resource for people like us anymore...that is why all our awesome docs left (and not for the politically appropriate reasons they have to give.)

On the other hand, if you are a cardiac patient, run-don’t-walk to CC — you’ll be treated like a king. Hearts are way easier to market than rectums. 

Last edited by JenJen

Well..I guess there's nothing we can do about Dr Shen leaving CCF. J pouchers keep each other posted about other experiences with other doctors would be helpful. As I said before..I surely do miss him but I also need to be pro active for myself and find the best Dr fit for my medical needs since I can not go to Dr shens location.lets keep each other posted on our experiences with CCF. Best wishes - good health to all. 

@JenJen posted:

Short Version: Dr. Shen = amazing man and a gift to his GI patients; Cleveland Clinic = uncaring, awful place for GI patients. Don’t go there, it’s not a great resource for people like us anymore...that is why all our awesome docs left (and not for the politically appropriate reasons they have to give.)

On the other hand, if you are a cardiac patient, run-don’t-walk to CC — you’ll be treated like a king. Hearts are way easier to market than rectums. 

Dr Shen is not replaceable when it comes to jpouches. I know his reasons for leaving but I think he was set on going moreso because of his daughter going to school in NYC. But great surgeons left including mine, Dr Remzi and I know his reasons too and Cleveland Clinic should be ashamed of themselves.

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