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Hi everyone, I haven't posted in awhile, and have reached another one of those "does it ever end???" moments. Feeling so frustrated bc I really thought  I would be riding off into the sunset. Previously had UC, the colectomy, j-pouch, etc., then dx'd with Crohns and ankylosing spondylitis. After a long bout with endometriosis (which was misdiagnosed) I had my j-pouch excised, proctectomy, anorectal closure, total hysterectomy and ovaries and tubes removed. 7 surgeries in 4.5 years later (+ the prior 2 for UC) I am still dealing with issues bc of doctors' mistakes. But that is not my focus here (more grumbling on that at a later time). I read liz11's posts about the unhealed sinus tract and the ongoing struggles with that. In addition to SBO surgery, stoma revision, and other surgeries, I had a vesicovaginal fistula repair last year, and this sinus tract in my rear seems to be going rogue and Remzi thinks it's a fistula now. Currently have a drain in and going for more testing to determine where the tract leads - possibly bladder again or vagina. Anyone else have experience with this? Ladies - anyone have an Ostomy bc of endometriosis complications? I guess I was kinda doing my thing and coping pretty well, and I still am, but I'm looking for support and possibly others with similar situations. It's always lovely when yet again the best surgeons in the world tell you that they aren't sure what exactly is going on. Thanks everyone for your willingness to share openly about your experiences and your courage for fighting a good fight with IBD, ostomies and more. 

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