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I recently had a big toe fusion which includes a metal implant that screws big toe bones together(arthritis). I have been on entivyo for 3 years for pouchitis (which has been working)  I had the infusion one week before the surgery and then again on week 7 (after surgery) A few days later my foot became infected and the scar became open with pus. I immediately went to ER, was admitted and started IV antibiotics (for 3 weeks) I had another surgery and the implant was taken out. Several drs—including infectious disease dr thinks the reason was  that the entivyo lowered the immune system. They do not think I was allergic to the metal. I got several opinions about getting the surgery before I had it and no one ever mentioned going off entivyo before surgery.
I just wondered if anyone else on entivyo has experienced the healing issue. My GI dr said there is a study going on with mice about this. I am going to ask Dr Shen about this too.   It’s too late for me, but I wanted to let people know if they are getting knee, hip or other implant surgery they might check with GI dr first.

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