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I purchased a wrap from ostomy secrets, the thing feels tight but i purchased it based on the measurements they provide. i feel as if when wearing the wrap and have the bag tucked in that little pocket that the material is pushing against the stoma so much that it would cause it to just pancake up there or hang out there instead of falling down...wouldnt that be a problem?
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Hi. I'm having a lot of leaking and getting about 10 hours only out of my wafer! I thought about a belt or band as well but I noticed no one has answered the question about it pancaking around the stoma until able to pinch it down further into the bag, would it be an issue?

I'm needing to have a better seal and just not getting this for the past few weeks with spray or powder...etc... I start my new job Monday and am very nervous that I will be having leaking issues!
Hi. I'm using convatec 2 piece. I have the spray adhesive and powder. I also have barrier rings. In the last 24 hours I'm on my 3rd wafer.

I don't get a good seal because of 2 things. 1, the skin is raw and moist around the stoma. 2, the iliostomy dips on the right below my stomach. I'm at my limit as far as ordering supplies, anymore until October and my insurance won't pay for it... frustrating. :-)
Loved, you say your ileo dips on the right below your stomach - do you mean that there's an indentation in the skin there so the barrier seal can't make a good seal? I'm assuming the barrier seal is a sticky ring that you place around your stoma? Mine was called an eakin seal. Anyway, I used to use some something like play doh that I could put in those areas where my skin dipped and even them out, thus allowing a good seal. Hollister makes it. One box went a long way.

Are you using flat (normal) wafers or have you tried the convex style ones that help to push a flush stoma out and create better seals.

I am using a convex style one by hollister and tend to get 4-6 days out of them. In addition, i do not use powder or any other skin adhesives as my stoma nurses told me sometimes, less is more.

In my case it was true as i also struggled to get good, long lasting seals. AS far as my skin being irritated, i switched to the adapt rings by hollister. They have a healing effect on the skin and have been wonderful for me.

Hope this helps.


I have a bunch of extra supplies and my next wonderful gutting is in 3 weeks. If our sizes are similar, my wife can send them to you.

On more thing. If you call any of the ostomy supply companies and explain what you are dealing with, they will send out free samples. They usually take 2-3 days to arrive.

This has saved me a couple of times.
I've been using Hollister with my end ileostomy at the recommendation of my ostomy nurse. Last month I ran low on Hollister 88400 one piece pouches (more flexible wafer) and tried a sample from Convatec. I put the new Convatec pouch on and that night the wafer completely lost adhesion to my skin. The only part still attached was the ring I placed on the wafer. Hollister sticks to my skin much better and with the rings I get 3-4 days with a lot of liquid output. I would try some Hollister samples. They will send some and then call you to follow-up.
Sean, i second hollister. it has been my setup from the start, i consider myself extremely lucky having found it earlier. on average im getting 6 days, if theres any issues then i change it day 5.

my setup is:
stoma powder if needed (i check for redness)
barrier wipe
Colopast or Adapt paste on flange dry for 1 minute
push on hollister flange
put on hollister bag and hold palm for 5 min

its worked so awesome. i have looked at the rings but theyre so thick i think it would feel awkward if i used them.
The rings flatten out as they are stretched into the shape to fit around the stoma. They are about half as thick compared to before flattening and do not really cause the wafer to stick out very much. I'm using them because my nurse feels they last longer than paste with an ileostomy, but dgtracy, your number of days before a change is really good. I change every 3 days.

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