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I am 5 days post final J-pouch surgery. I was a 3 1/2 drive home and I hurt from the riding in the car. Things are going fair. Typical going to the bathroom a good bit. My butt is already raw. using Petroleum jelly which helps. Should I be eating Pizza, burgers and fries? Or Should I eat something different to start with.

Thanks All

First symptom of UC June 19 2012 (stomach pains, blood in stool)
Diagnosed with UC July 3 2012
Hospitalized July 20 2012 due to blood loss and other complications.
Loss of 54lbs in weight between July 19 and August 4 2012
Total removal of large intestine July 30th after large intestines completely ruptured.
Initial J-Pouch construction November 13, 2012
Final Take-Down Procedure December 28,2012
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Congrats on your take down. I think my daughter used ilex mixed with vasoline to coat the area since it hasn't been used in awhile and the stool can be acidic. Calmoseptine, desitine and nupercanal are others she uses. I think as far as eating, I would take it a little slower to start. Soups, pudding, eggs, soft foods.

Hopefully someone will comment and help you more.

Best wishes.
Soups, pudding, eggs, soft foods.

Yes. I was put on a military-like diet schedule by my surgeon and foods like pizza were not really on the table until the 4th week. At the 4 day mark you should either be on liquids or very soft foods, like cream of wheat, something I was eating a lot of after takedown.

You should also add foods one at a time and in small quantities so you can properly isolate any problem foods. But what is a problem now may not be 2 or 6 months from now.

I would also avoid very large meals for several month after takedown, as this was the cause of a blockage I had after takedown.
Agh! God no, NO junk food to start off, trust me on that. After my final take down with my old j pouch, my friends took me out a week post op to celebrate at a bar for pub food (my favourite, burgers, wings, fries, nachos). I was back in emerg that same night in butt of fire agony! For the weeks following, I stuck with mashed potatoes, soups, boiled chicken, fluids, anything that was easy on the gut, and, I bought a barrier cream. Essentially it's a thick paste that will protect the rectal tissue and not wipe off with toilet paper, helped a lot (sold at most pharmacies). I also used immodium, Tylenol 3, and gravol to help on the rough days, but you will get through it. Don't be discouraged if it takes longer then you thought, everyone heals differently. I know how you feel, I had an ileostomy bag for 1.5 years, a j pouch for 22 years, and just last June got a K pouch (still having a hell of a time recovering, the j pouch was so much easier). Congrats on you final takedown, just take it easy, and you'll be back to normal in no time, good luck!

Eric Big Grin
There are no No-No's following surgery other than lifting. You can eat what you want; should something not agree with you; eliminate it and try it again in a few weeks. Everyone is different; where junk food bothered Eric, it didn't bother me. Salads were harder for me, but worked fine for others. This is all trial and error and unfortunately you're going to have to navigate it on your own. Never ever let another jpoucher dictate what you can't eat!

Sue Big Grin
I agree what others have stated and and somewhat with Sue. While it is important to take it slow and reintroduce foods back into your diet, I do believe that us pouchers definitely should not be eating pizza, burgers, and fries a few days from the takedown! Yes every poucher will react a little differently to each food. However, very fatty, greasy foods like french fries or burgers have a notoriously bad reputation for gas, butt burn, etc. for those still in the early stages of the recovery process. I had trouble with those foods along with very fibrous foods like raw veggies and salads for the first month or so.

I would do as others recommend and stick with bland, easy to digest foods like bananas, cooked rice, apple sauce, toast, creamy peanut butter, light oatmeal, scrambled eggs,etc. And for dinner, you can always try lightly seasoned entrees like grilled salmon, tilapia, grilled chicken breast, etc. I had a lot of luck with the bland fish and chicken for the first few months and slowly reintroduced the tougher to digest red meats like steak or pork. Good luck and for most pouchers-the butt burn, irritation will greatly reduce with time!
Forgot to say, as silly as it may seem, keep a log of everything you eat for the first few weeks, and your reaction to it. Generally, after any GI surgery, the entire intestinal tract is traumatized and completely shuts down, but only for the duration of the surgery of course. However, it can take several days for some people's systems to fully recover, not to mention freshly sutured bowel should not have a heavy load of, say, hamburger, running through it. From a medical perspective, it can (but not definitely) cause sever cramping, bloating, and blockages. The intestine does swell quite a bit post op, creating a narrower circumference of intestine, which is why I recommend airing on the side of caution, better to be safe then end up with a blockage (as happened to me). I'm definitely not trying to force you (or anyone) to eat what I say, I'm merely speaking from my own personal experience, and, I care a great deal about all of you! One more thing, before swallowing your food, chew the heck out of it, at least for the first few weeks post op, the less stress put on your new pouch the better. As a general rule of thumb, what you ate before your J pouch, you can eat after too, and Sue is quite correct, what kills me could have zero effect on another Poucher, so, enjoy your new found health, and to be cliche, drink a lot of fluid to keep things flowing smoothly. If anything happens, or you have any questions, please, feel free to PM me. Although my J pouch bit the bullet thanks to constant chronic pouchitis and leakage (less then 1% get it, so fear not), I have 22 years of experience living with one, so I kind of know a little something about it, all my best for a smooth and problem free recovery!

Eric Big Grin
8 days post take down now!!! YEA!!!

Well I am staying with soft foods. Eating the mornings and a early dinner. Chocolate pudding too rich, plain grilled chicken good.

The first week has been good and still a good bit of ouch!!
I am using Desitin and other creams with hi zinc.
That's helping the rawness and burning. But I am going a good bit which is normal.

I realized I am doing too much. I have been working on my rental houses inside and out. All the moving around is causing the food to go right thru me. So I cain't get to the bathroom quick enough.

Tomorrow I am just going to rest and relax mostly in the bed.

Thanks everyone for all the advice and comments

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