Lately I feel like I haven't been fully evacuating my J-Pouch. I don't feel like I have pouchitis. It seems to be pretty hard lately to get that good "ahhh, I'm empty" feeling. The total volume that comes out seems to be less than normal. I've been drinking prune juice every few days and that definitely gets things moving and allows me to get a bunch out, albeit very watery. Once in a blue moon I'll have a bunch of volume and I will feel great.
I guess I'm wondering, how do I know if my anal canal/sphincter is really tight and could use some opening up to allow more feces to come through at each session? Should I start by using my finger/gel just to get an idea? If so, what am I looking for? How tight should it be?
History: 3 part surgery in '05. 34 years old. Not too many problems aside from pouchitits once or twice.