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Just read my pathology report. I was diverted  3 months ago for mild to moderate pouchitis which was causing havoc. Last week I had a scope and it's showing serve pouchtis. How can that be, I'm diverted. What does this mean? Pouch removal? Or toxic UC drugs? I'm devasted. 

Last edited by AllyKat
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Sounds to me that diversion obviously did not work for you. I can only presume that you tried UC meds before. It is not clear to me what uou mean by "toxic," unless you know you get severe side effects from them. If that is the case, I can't see what else is left besides pouch removal.


I am sorry it did not work Out for you.



Thank you Jan, I have calls into my doctors if they ever call back. Yes, by toxic I mean I had bad reactions to the more potent ones. Some reactions to the antibiotics as well. my system does not do drugs very well. 

The pain from the inflammation is killing me. 

I hope I can find something that will work. I really want to be reconnected like ASAP. 


What I don't understand is how with no stool going thru the pouchitis has not healed itself? 

That was the purpose of doing this.


So here's the thing.


You can have ordinary pouchitis, or not. Pouchitis is a range of disorders with various causes. If it is more about IBD and less about an inflammatory response to normal bacteria (ordinary pouchitis), then it is more complex. You can also get diversion pouchitis, which is caused by the LACK of the fecal stream. Most people do not realize that the intestinal mucosa is nourished partly by nutrients in the fecal stream; short-chain fatty acids in particular. In that case, diversion is the problem, not the cure.


They treat your pouchitis with the most commonly used medications, antibiotics, first. If that fails, they try others or combinations. If that fails there are IBD meds, including steroids. But, steroids are only for short term use until something else kicks in. Intolerance of medications is a failure too.



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