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After a long drawn out process I finally got accepted for Disability Living Allowance today.

Anyone in the UK managed the same? Or anywhere else for that matter?

I've been awarded around £550 ($850) per month and it has been backdated 4 months so I get a lump sum of £2200 also.

In addition I get a blue badge to enable me to park in disabled bays.

I'm really quite happy at this.
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I'm glad you were approved. I'm waiting to hear back on mine in the USA. I have several other health problems besides my chronic cuffitis.

I think that's what Mgmt10 was asking you. What type of illness (s) qualified you for the disability allowance.

I hope the income will make things easier for you. We don't need to worry about money on top of everything else.

I have indeed had issues. Histology now shows crohns rather than colitis. I have severe perianal disease and abcess regions and fistula disease that makes it difficult to walk and be mobile.

I have also been diagnosed with PTSD as I went from full health to UC diagnosis to J-pouch inside 3 weeks or so.

I didn't really expect to be awarded such a high rate to be honest.

They call it the key benefit here as it unlocks so many other benefits as a matter of course. None of which I believe I need or will pursue.
Manchester, I'm sorry you are having all of these problems. My UC was diagnosed 14 years before my surgeries and had it years before it was finally diagnosed. I have PTSD, depression and anxiety as well as fibromyalgia and a few other autoimmune problems.

I know it's hard for people to understand why we have PTSD and such as they are all hidden disabilities, until we loose or gain too much weight. I found out in counseling that this was not the first trauma in my life and am having to deal with the abuse I suffered as a child through adulthood by my mother. There are other trauma's too and all of the surgeries and aftermath pushed me over the trauma edge.

I'm so glad you now have an income so that you can concentrate of getting better. I had my required physical exam today and have my psych evaluation Thursday. Both paid for by the government. Even though they had medical records from 5 doctors and my therapist. Hopefully I will soon be approved - but if not will appeal.
I`m so happy for you manchester.I got approved about 7 years ago now and thats for life, I hope,the way things are going.I to got back pay $27,000 canadian Eeker I believe it was.But once the Mrs. got her grubby little hands on it I was back to being poor just like I was the day before I got this lump sum.I`m just joking,for what my wife put up with all these years and staying beside me through thick and thin and being a harbour for my soul she deserves a million times that amount that I got back pay.
I have been on short term for 8 weeks now and must exhaust it before i can go for Long Term disability. I have money taken out for long term and thank god i have done that. I talked to someone in my HR dept and she said if i get approved for long term through work. I have to still apply for SS disability. She said i can be on it with work and then after 2 years is just saying i cant work there and then i have to prove i cant work anywhere after the 2 years. Go to specialist at Cleveland Clinic and he told me the reason that i have lost control is my pouch has become sensitive after the pouchitus over the last two years. The pouch spasms and then no control. He put me on opium/belladonna and that stops the spasms but the stuff is so strong cant even drive while i am on it. Never know when the spasms can occour so dont know how i can work. I just wish they could live in my shoes for 1 week. So scared to get denied cant servive without the money. I have letters from all 3 doctors but dont know what else they want? So stressed and that of course makes things worse. I am worn out.

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