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So it's not very flattering but I'm wondering if anyone constantly has a dirty toilet. I don't feel like scrubbing the toilet everytime I use it so it results in looking pretty gross till I clean it every few days. Anyone else deal with this? Thankfully it's in the master bath so no guests have to see it. I bought a new toilet hoping it would flush the dry sides of the bowl better but nope. Any tips or ideas?
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There is no way around it- no magic solution.  You just gotta clean, or else let the toilet look gross.  It's your choice but you will always have that choice as long as you have your J Pouch.  I clean every couple days with Pine Sol and a brush.  I have two toilets/two bathrooms but only use one, leaving the other one for my guests.

Actually there are a few solutions, at least below the rim, but I don't know of any inexpensive solutions. Not all toilets are created equal, though it's extremely difficult when shopping for one to get meaningful information about what's called "washdown." Particularly with low-flow toilets the design makes a big difference. If you like the taller "comfort height" toilets then a Toto with a "double cyclone" flush is probably as good as it gets. Plenty of their models use that approach, but they have no shorter "standard height" double-cyclone toilet models. Toto also offers an optional "Sanagloss" finish that reduces material sticking to the bowl. Since I find the "comfort height" toilets very uncomfortable, I went with a Kohler Wellworth dual-flush, which has their "Class Five" flushing system, and I've been quite happy with it. The benefit of the dual flush (which can be flushed with less water for pee only) is that the higher volume flush is permitted to use more water than a single-flush toilet legally can.


The biggest improvement came from the Toto Washlet (bidet toilet seat). Their higher-end models have a feature called "e-water" that sprays water on the bowl as you walk up to it. This changes sticky, dry porcelain into slippery, wet porcelain. The recommended separate electrical circuit might cost more than the bidet.


So: Are you due for a nice upgrade?

Clean, clean, clean...

You can try using different methods like a spray gun filled with vinager and water, Bang spray cleaner, or those foam bathroom cleaners...any way you turn it you still have to clean it.

I am married to a maniac...he cleans toilets...doesn't let a splash or spot get by him (toilet-goal-keeper) so I have to keep things sparkling after every visit.

I use wipes for any exterieur splashes  or spots (you can use flushable wipes) and the good'ol brush and whatever cleaner that I have on hand. The foam stuff is expensive but is an easy out for you...just spray and allow to sit while you wash you hands and then flush...

Hubby says that certain toilets are made of better quality porcelain than others and that they stain eaiser/less easy but doesn't say which ones or brands use the best porcerlain...I figure that Scott gave you the best info possible on the subject (he is incredible really...but don't tell him I said so!)

Short of changing your toilet I would say that doing things immediately saves time later dealing with old stains.



In France (Paris) we have self-cleaning public toilets.

They are single unit stalls made out of moulded plast units...the door slides open, slides closed behind you ("beam me up Scotty") you do your duty and the door then slides open...when it closes behind you the whole unit gets sterilized with steam, product and spray jets (you do not wish to be stuck in one during the cleaning cycle)...never tried it but they say it is very effective...might be a thought for us common mortals...not sure of the cost though nor the ecological footprint for household use (must use a lot of energy!).

(I have alway feared entering one and having the door pop open in the middle and to have myself (and k pouch) exposed to the public at large...or worse, have the door slide shut and get myself steamed like a lobster!



Originally Posted by CTBarrister:


There is no way around it- no magic solution.  You just gotta clean, or else let the toilet look gross.  It's your choice but you will always have that choice as long as you have your J Pouch.  I clean every couple days with Pine Sol and a brush.  I have two toilets/two bathrooms but only use one, leaving the other one for my guests.


Ditto for me too.  Except I use comet to scrub, hand Lysol wipes for the seat.

I hear you all.  I don't mind cleaning my toilet every 3 days or so.  What I mind is the smell. I have air infusers/neutralizers in my bathroom(s) but even though I clean the toilet, the smell seems to linger.  That is the thing that gets me.  My husband says he doesn't smell it - that it's probably an after affect of my taking pregnisone previously . . .

I have an awful "air about me" since getting a J pouch.

Am not ever without PooPourii is wonderful. Small enough to carry with.

Now has several aromas, all natural fragrances, like Vanilla, Lavender, etc.

It is not harmful to breathe, and you only spray once in the toilet bowl before you go!

Has saved me when out to restaurants, airports, friends' homes, etc.

I find the easiest solution for me is to wipe any splatter above the rim or on the underside of the seat with toilet paper and flush. This usually works pretty well.  Every few days (or as necessary) I use the good old toilet brush and do a thorough cleaning job. I am pretty sensitive to letting things get gross as my wife and I are sharing the same toilet(s). I also pretty much restrict myself to the master bedroom and main floor bathrooms. 

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