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ive been reading through posts on digestive enzymes and mostly finding subjects related to gas. I recently have been having blockages due to narrowing of my bowel (from scar tissue i guess) and i have been researching digestive enzymes to just help break down my food better. In hopes to be able to enjoy vegetables  and higher fiber foods more often. Maybe its all over for me having thise kinds if food in my diet but thought maybe something like this would help. Cuz i miss my veggies!  But not corn. Corn is evil. I swear it caused my blockage last month!  But i digress. Anyway, any insight would be appreciated. 


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I try it, i figure it can’t hurt! I think it helps with the gas and bloating. I take it only at night with dinner and a gas ex with dinner too. I find it helps with the gas and bloating. It may change the further I get out from my takedown. There are foods that I stay away from even with the enzymes and gas ex, such as apple skins, grapes, kale, etc.

I say give it a shot! Track your results and see if it produces results. 

Raw veggies does make you go often. So what it shouldnt stop you from having them. Whenever I am at my home and I dont have to go out I get myself all veggies in a good proportions (includes corns and mushrooms) make a dish or steam them and put some good seasoning and I'll just eat them all. I wont lie it make run like 3-4 times in just 2 hrs but its totally worth it. It gets normal after that. And as I am eating more I can tolerate them better everytime. My takedown was 3 months back I got down to 90lbs now I am back to 110lbs. Vitamins from veggies are a must for the body even the fiber. You just need to find the right ones. The ones that wont hurt you.

Thanks again folks. Ive been researching and i think i will try to find a supplement that would have a good amount of  the enzyme  “cellulase” since from what ive read is what would help break down cellulose.  Before this narrowing vegetable digestion was not a problem but now i have to really watch it. Thanks again for your input

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