I tend to think that our transit time to an outside bag (or just post op) is much quicker)...things go through you like a high speed train...your body is getting used to your new plumbing and is going to take some time to get acustomed to it.
Once you are hooked up things should slow down after a while and the output should be a thicker than just water...
I've had my k pouch for 36yrs (yikes!) and my problem is that things are too thick now...(probiotics helped with that too)...
I would say that the 1st year is not inidicative of the rest of your life...it is truely an adaptation period...give your body time.
That said...yes, certian foods will be more pouch-friendly than others and easier on the digestion...And there are no real rules...it is person to person and pouch to pouch.
Keep a food journal, write it all down, food, drink, meds and what with what...it is a real life saver.
My trick since 1990 has been separating food groups...not eating proteins with carbs (meat with salad or veggies is fine but no potatoes or rice etc and carbs with veggies but no meats like a veggie stir-fry with rice and no chicken)...I do cheat but not that often...I pay if I do (undigested food, long digestion time, gas, bloating & cramps etc).
This is what works for me but it does not mean that it will for you...you will learn what your body likes and go from there...
I have a reasonably quick transit time...but that does not mean that I am not absorbing (I gain weight just fine!) what it does mean is that my body does its job and moves on...
Good or bad, it is how it is.
I have been getting up 2-3xs/night lately because I have been 'off the wagon' and mixing my foods...end result is more gas and a wacky transit time.
Take it slow and don't panic.