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I have a disconnected jpouch and ileostomy right now, scheduled for revision/redo with Remzi in October. I want to start taking a multivitamin, are the big horsepills (One A Day), ok to take? I am concerned about it maybe not digesting enough by the time it gets to stoma and causes a blockage... thoughts?

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Just started taking 2/day chewable gummy multivitamins from CVS and they are proving a huge help. They seem to digest completely and quickly.


One in the morning and one in the afternoon, along with 1-2 electrolyte packs in water plus balanced meals, and I can finally spend a full, active day in the sun without the typical feelings of dehydration and deficiency I have experienced in the past year or so post take down.    


Oh, and waiting for the buy one get one free sales that many stores offer can help with cost too!

It was suggested I take a multivitamin also. 
I think this has caused severe rear end burn. 
The worst I have had.  It is continuous and does not let up.  Most times I have BB it subsides some after a bm.  But this just stays strong no matter how much I clean or grease.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I posted this elsewhere so you are not seeing double.
Just wondering.

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