I suppose it might work. However, what I find rather unbelievable is a product that "cures" numerous autoimmune diseases with all natural immune modulators, without any side effects or drugs. If something is powerful enough to have a pharmeceutucal effect, how is it not a drug? And, anything that has a pharmeceutical effect can have side effects. Remember, many of our traditional drugs are plant based.
It contains stabilized mannans of the aloe plant, which are known to have healing properties. It definitely is not the same as aloe vera juice, which is not stabilized and unlikely to have any useful effect.
http://www.digestaqure.com/ingredients.htmlStill, I always am suspicious of anything touted to be a cure, especially of such a long list of serious diseases. It is unclear to me how this product is able to operate under the radar of the FDA, but I was able to find much in the way of complaints. They mostly were about trouble getting a refund when it does not work. P Of course, the company website will publish only glowing testimonials. It also increases my skepticism when the free book they offer focuses on the medical and pharmaceutical community conspiring to keep us from getting well. Check out the FDA site regarding the signs of a scam.
http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumer...pdates/ucm341344.htmBottom line, it is probably safe and you have nothing to lose other than your money.