Hi, I’ve had my J Pouch for nearly 10 years now. I suffered with chronic Pouchitis for the first 5-6 years, as I was undiagnosed by my previous consultant. I am now under a new consultant, who has been amazing and has got the pouchitis under control. I am on long term antibiotics as a result and everything has been running smoothly, until late. I seem to be having issues emptying the pouch, a little bit more windy and as a result have piles through straining, also woken up numerous times during the night, to empty, but obviously It won’t. The symptoms I have are nothing like the ones I had when I had pouchitis. I have been in see my IBD nurse about this and she did an internal to check if there was any narrowing, but everything was fine. I am due to see my consultant in a couple of week, but I just wondered if anyone else is or has experienced this and may have any tips on how to empty the pouch. My IBD nurse mentioned Lucozade sport ( something to do with the electrolytes) which I have tried and it did seem to flush things through. But felt like I had to drink tonnes of the stuff, which I would like to avoid. Is there any other over the counter meds I could try? I just feel like once it has a good empty, it may start to function as it was before. I am based in the Uk.
Thanks in advance x