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I am currently pregnant with my first child (13 weeks) and I'm a bit miserable with how frequently I need to eat. Since my j-pouch surgeries (10+ years ago), I've always had to eat a bit more frequently than others, but I could still go a few hours between every meal. For the last month or so, I feel like I have to eat every 30 mins - 1 hr or else I feel light headed and nauseated. I'm wondering if taking some Imodium would help slow down my digestion and prolong my meals, but I can't think of anything else. I do drink Boosts in between meals to try to help, but since they're liquid, they go through me fairly quickly. Any advice?

Original Post

In my experience being pregnant twice before my pouch and once after this is a symptom I had with all three. It sounds like it is just your body’s reaction to pregnancy (yay! lol) with all three of mine I had to be constantly munching on something or I’d get incredibly nauseas. It was particularly bad in the beginning. I hope your symptoms level off soon! But if they don’t, don’t let it stress you. Trust your body is asking for what it needs… it takes a LOT of energy to grow a whole human!

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