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There is no one diet that works best for all of us. There are lot's of suggestions in old posts that you can browse, but you'll need to try different things to see what seems to work for you. I recommend as much consistency as you can muster when trying things, so you don't end up fooling yourself. Also, try to remember that not everything is controlled by diet - conditions can worsen or improve without an obvious cause that's under your control.
I've never found a book that can tell you what will work for you. My primary surgeon told me to eat a "healthy diet" pleanty of fruits and veggies. That was a bad idea! Try a low residue diet, adding and removing foods in a structured manner, while keeping a food/reaction logbook. Also check out the inflammatory response foods have on your body, there's plenty of documentation on the topic. I couldn't eat fresh fruits and veggies for 10 years, had my 6th surgery, and due to the way everything healed in place I can now eat them. Hope this helps.
You might take a look at the book "Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet" by Elaine Gottschall. In a nutshell, this diet works by severely limiting the availability of carbohydrates to intestinal microbes. While not specifically for j-pouches, I think the theory applies to those of us without large intestines as well.

I've been on the diet for about a month now (I'll be honest, I am not anal about it hee hee), and my jpouch is behaving so much better, as in fewer BMs, thicker BMs, less night-time trips to the bathroom, etc.

Worth a read.
I believe finding a useful nutritional approach to IBD requires trial and error. Much of the SAD (Standard American Diet) perpetuates illness, in my opinion, and I encourage anyone having difficulty to experiment with different approaches to food.

I have found Paleo to be a good fit for me, though I also draw from SCD and GAPS.

Do some research, try what makes sense to you intuitively, and keep a journal along the way.

Good luck!

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