It all depends on what your other goals are too...
Are you looking to gain or lose weight? More energy or do you do a stay-home job?
I have a little mathematical formula...
1 Carbs (potatoes, pasta, rice, bread products, cakes, pastries, bagels, couscous, sweet potatoes...) tend to stick to your guts and thicken things up (and make us gain weight generally)
2 Proteins (meat, fish, chicken, eggs, cheeses, tofu...) tend to remain "thinner', run through faster funny enough and fill you up longer.
Fats and oils (butter, olive oil, margarine, all other oils etc) help you to put on weight and can be eaten with either carbs or proteins without any incidence (within moderation)
Fruits (except for apples and bananas) when eaten alone (on an empty stomach) will run right through you (think 'high speed train' or draino)...if you eat them with a meal (in a fruit salad with cheeses or meats) expect a lot of gas, if eaten with carbs (breads, cakes, pastries...) expect even more gas and cramping too.
Veggies ( green, yellow, red...raw or steamed etc except for potatoes) can be eaten with either proteins or carbs without too much difficulty and digest well that way. If eaten alone (on a empty stomach) will run right through you.
If you want thicker output stick to carb meals (pasta with a veggie sauce, pizza without cheese, potato based meals like casseroles...)
If you want faster digestion eat proteins with veggie meals (steak and salad, chicken and stirfry...)
Do not eat fruits after meals or you will end up building a mountain of gas...ditto for drinking fruit juices with meals or drinking milk with you meals...
Try to keep your diary intake to a minimum except for yoghurt or ice cream (moderation please) because we, as a group, tend to have lactose intollerance (do not tollerate milk products well and can cause a lot of gas and runny stool).
There are all sorts of dietary supplements like metamucil that can thicken your output and bowel slowers like lomotil to cut your motility down to crawl but try and see what you can do with diet first.
This system does not work for is a general rule and we all tend to be exceptions so try it for up to a week and see what works for you.
Good luck