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hi, all. I feel the heavens opened up when I found you! thanks for reading. 

after a year in four hospitals, right after giving birth, I had a colectomy 1/1/2019 (diagnosed with indeterminate colitis), j-pouch and tubal ligation 5/14/2019 and then take down 7/12/2019. After the take down I was misdiagnosed with c-diff and then had an anal fissure. Things calmed down a bit around the end of August but I still am only managing to go to the bathroom a reasonable number of times when i eat a diet of: bananas, mac n cheese, potatoes (gnocchi, & other forms), bread, cheese, skyr yogurt, goldfish - these types of bland foods that have little to no nutritional value. I miss vegetables and fruits so much. i tried steamed carrots but went in the middle of the night with urgency. 

if this is my life now then so be it but any ideas on how to help with this diet? or where to start? anytime i’ve tried new things i’m sent sideways and the repercussions, as i’m sure you know, are horrible!

also, women - periods???! i’m going like 12 times a day or more right now on my period. third time i’ve been up tonight - currently 4:30am with a 16 month old who im waking up too with the noises. fun. 

please help  




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hi, scott.


thank you! 

I take garden of life 50 & wider probiotics (even tho i’m 30) - three a day. 2x4 imodium a day, and I have benefiber but I havent taken it in a while. I also drink CORE mineral water 30oz a day. that’s all tho. 


I was just on antibiotics for a UTI the week before last. I hadn’t been able to pee on my own since surgery on 5/14/19 but just had a systoscopy last week and have been able to since! that’s a miracle, hoping it continues! 


any tips on diet would help. if the benefiber works or has worked for you i’ll do it everyday! anything at this point to be able to eat a more balanced diet.


thank you!! 

Just to be clear: is your concern too many bathroom trips? You’re just a few months out, so things are likely to continue to improve. It’s useful to distinguish between frequent trips for a full pouch (high output) vs. frequent, small amounts (a twitchy pouch). For the latter, many of us have had good results long-term by delaying bathroom visits (“stretching the pouch”); this is easier to do if it doesn’t cause accidents, of course.

I’ve had better results with psyllium than Benefiber, but neither will directly decrease frequency - they actually bulk up the stool, making it thicker. Some find that easier to hold.


I've had my pouch for 20+ ys and the single most important change I made to my diet was eating a 1 cup of cooked steel cut (not processed) oatmeal for breakfast every morning. I truly believe that for me it not only soaks up the excess liquid in my system but acts as a "broom" to sweep out whatever else I ate in the course of the preceding day. Since I started this routine, my frequently is way down (3-5 trips a day) and the butt burn is gone. I also minimize sugars, carbs, diary and eat GF as much as possible.  Hope this helps.

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