Hi All.. Please bear with me, as I am fairly new to all of this still. I am a 26 year old female, who just had her first j-pouch surgery on June 28th, 2012, and I am still trying to adjust. I had a general concern, that I thought somebody on this board may be able to help with.
What the heck do you all eat in terms of a diet!?! Prior to my surgery- I are very healthy, whole wheat breads, fresh fruits and veggies, fish, chicken, etc. I realize that I cannot throw myself completely back into that as I am without a colon now, but something has got to give. There has to be some kind of middle ground somewhere along the lines here, right? I am so sick of stuffing myself full of white bread, white pastas, hamburger, and just junk. Surely this can't be good for anyone's insides or their health. I have tried consulting other websites and literature, but it all seems to say "proceed with your discretion". I thought I may have more luck picking the brains of fellow ostomates to see what foods/recipes/resources work best for you.
In addition to my surgery, I also have been recently diagnosed with colorectal cancer and I am undergoing chemotherapy for 6 months. Once again, I cannot see how all these refined carbs and sugars can be helping my body or my cause to fight off any additional cancer agents, so I would welcome ANY suggestions at all as to how to incorporate more healthy foods, safely, into an ileostomy diet.
Thank you all SO much for your support!
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