I have questions about Biotin. If you took Biotin for hair loss or thinning, did it help you with hair texture, thickness, or regrowth? How long did you take Biotin? How long before you saw results, if any? How many mcg of Biotin did you take? Did you change your diet?
I had emergency surgery in September for obstructions and twisted gut due to adhesions. I was on a restricted diet for 3 months after the surgery, no veggies unless cooked to oblivion, very little meat (resulting in little or no protein) and mostly soft foods. I was okay until mid December (3 month mark) when I noticed a lot of hair caught in the plastic strainer of my shower drain. A lot. Every single day. Also lots of hair on my pillow every morning. My hair is much thinner. And I can see my scalp easily. This is very disturbing for me. I did not experience any hair loss after my two step surgery to create my j pouch in 2016. So I started taking Biotin this week, every morning, 10,000 mcg, which is how Costco sells it. I have resumed my normal diet of cooked greens and protein (not much red meat, but plenty of salmon and chicken and eggs). Lots of water as always.
if you took Biotin for hair loss, can you please tell me how it worked for you, and if you continue to take it?
Happy new year to all of you strong, tough, blessed people.