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I am at my wits end, I just joined this support group today in hopes of some advice. Here is a little history. I had a total protocolectomy with a J pouch in 2005. I haven’t done well with this this surgery. I have had multiple bowel obstruction and Pouchitis twice.

Currently I am having trouble eating. As soon as I eat I have diarrhea and abdominal cramping and it does not matter what I eat. My doctor has placed me on various medications to help with the diarrhea and cramping which does very little.  The doctor seems to think I have irritable pouch syndrome. It has become really bad I have loss weight and just plain tried. I am scheduled for an endoscopy at the end of this month. It was so bad I went to the Emergency Dept. this weekend the doctor placed me on Flagyl it is really not helping. It all has to do with eating. I have gotten to the point where I don’t want to eat for fear of pain and discomfort.  
Has anyone ever experienced something like this. Thanks for any advice you are willing to share.  

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@Vital posted:

I have tried FODMAp diet for help. I eat  potatoes, rice, bread chicken boiled eggs, and. canned vegetables   I only eat once a day.  

BINGO! I believe that is the problem, not eating often/enough. I heard and read about that, not eating often/enough can potentially cause the problems you are dealing with.

Last edited by Former Member

I feel for you.  That sounds horrible.  I had similar problems with my old colon.  WHATEVER I ate gave me pain and cramps and diarrhea.  Flagyl should help if it’s pouchitis- and Cipro is really good for that also.  Have you had a scope to check inflammation?  I assume from your post your rules out pouchitis.  If it is irritable pouch syndrome, like IBS, I used Lomotil and Levsin and Bentyl.  Things used for spams and cramping.  I would put Levsin under my tongue and it worked wonders.

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