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I am 7 weeks post reversal surgery and am taking 2 Lomotil 3x a day. I’ve been having diarrhea since Saturday-  three full days. I did get a stomach bug two weeks ago and was in the hospital for vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration, and it’s nothing compared to how bad that was. Right now I’m going about 15x a day and the urgency is pretty bad.

Some background info- When I met with my surgeon last week for my pst op, she increased my Lomotil and said if things don’t calm down in two weeks then she’ll look at prescribing me hydrocortiaone enemas or cream to insert bc it’s prob inflamed where the last part of my rectum is (leftover from my colon). 

Anyhow, do you think I should call my doctors and let her know I've had diarrhea since Saturday? I’m trying to drink so I don’t get dehydrated since that was a big issue last time. I don’t think she can increase the Lomotil by much more, maybe two more per day. I did have a blockage at the very beginning, after my first surgery for my pouch. So she’s nervous out giving me too much to stop me up like last time. Any thoughts? Would you worry? 

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I got tested for c diff when I was in the hospital, so I don't think it's that. I've had c diff before and it doesn't feel the same and it's missing that horrible smell. I woke up feeling fantastic today actually. 

I did call my doc and they added Questran and suggested to eat a lot more fiber - way more than I normally would. I always thought fiber would make you to the bathroom more. I'm used to avoiding it - back from when I had UC. It'll be weird to make that switch. 

How can they tell if it's pouchitis? The urges are also really bad - I sit there and it feels like my body bears down (by no means on purpose, it's just a physical reaction to having to go) and it is a big strain on my body. It's like I have to evacuate but I don't need to. It even causes me to get an upset stomach bc I'm bearing down and pushing so hard. Doesn't make sense, but it reminds me of having UC. 


Bubba, it’s still pretty early in the process for you, so sometimes the strange sensations may just require getting used to your new parts. Straining isn’t very good for your pouch (or the rest of you), so if you’re able to reduce that I’d recommend it - perhaps deep breathing or mental relaxation, which were sometimes helpful for me.

There’s a big difference between soluble fiber (e.g. psyllium/Metamucil) and insoluble fiber (e.g. vegetables). Soluble fiber helps many of us, including me, and I took it from the day I was discharged from the hospital. Insoluble fiber is likely to be more challenging for you at this stage.

Thanks for the reply. I actually picked up some Metamucil tonight on the way home and I’m starting with one glass tonight. Thanks for the explanation about the soluable fiber vs. insolvable fiber.

The doc also prescribed my something called Questran, which may slow down the pipes.

I’ve also got a sore bum right now from going- tried to rough it at work today without taking my wipes and cream to the restroom. Lesson learned! 



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