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So I've been struggling with symptoms since my take-down this past summer. 


Two weeks ago I had my first pouch scope (flex-sig) and the GI found a stricture near the top of my pouch.  He dilated it and I've felt great for these past 2 weeks but now my symptoms are slowly returning.   I suspect that the stricture is returning or is 2 weeks too soon for a stricture to return?


Is there an amount of time that you need to wait between dilatations?  I only want to be dilated under sedation. 


I know from the questions I am asking the forum that I need to make an appointment with the GI but I'd like to get some feedback from others with J-pouches and stricture issues.


Thank you,


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I had 4 dilations total, 2 in the office with just a finger and the the other with the barbaric metal tool which I told my surgeon never again. I did have 2 under anesthesia and dont think they were that far apart from each other. I don't see why if would be a problem if it needs to get done and you are not comfortable with getting it done without being knocked out. They should offer anesthesia to everyone that has to get that done regardless whether it's a 5 minute procedure or not it's simply a bad experience otherwise.

There is definitely a home method for it and my surgeon wanted me to try it out he even gave me a script to pick up a little handy dandy tool to help me out. NOOOOOOOO WAY DUDE. You can use a finger and then increase the amount of fingers as you go or you could use other things also but I would be very careful. The problem is you are not a professional and don't know if you are doing something a certain way that might actually harm you. If you decide this is the way you wanna go I would search the internet for "self dilation". Good Luck.

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