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Dear j-pouchers, Monday I am going to have a dilation in full narcosis. It has been 5 months since my last one and I am... more or less happy. You see, I have a recurrent stenosis and have been getting dialtions every 3 months for about 1 year, but now I have been able to stretch it to 5 months.
My dilemma...
I am always uncertain if I make the right call when I decide it is time for anothe dialation. The signs are there, having problems passing food, having leaks at night, passing a lot of gas. But... I feel it is impossible to have doubts in in the healthsystem. If I call I immediately get a time for dialation. I don't have a consultation first, I just get a date for the procedure. But I am always - including right now - in doubt if I am making the right decision, or if my body is just reacting differently for a period. What should I do?
Also...when the dialation have been scheduled, I feel bad canceling, if I feel better, besides the doctors secretary always makes me feel even worse, making sure that I know how much trouble she has been through just booking my time and telling me how inconvenient it is that I cancel, adding that it might be difficult for her to find me another appointment, when I need it again. How do I handle this woman?
And what do I do, if I feel better - but have a time for dialation?
Hugs to you all. And merry x-mas.
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Who is the patient? Who is the one suffering?
I hate tyrants...little people who get off lauding their 'authority' over those who suffer.
I would have a serious discussion with your doctor about it...I do not believe that she/he does this only to you but must take her mood out on others too.
Not good press for a doctor.
A very long time ago I had to run the gauntlet of my beloved surgeon's secretary and almost never got an appointment...Worse yet, I was living here and had to fly in to see him so being treated with distain and not getting appointments when I needed them was disasterous for me.
I actually had to change surgeons until he changed secretaries.
Do not allow this person to add fear and intimidation to the list of pains that you suffer.
I agree with both Rachel and Dawn. Probably best to keep the appointment, and maybe discuss with your doctor then about stretching out the follow-ups.

You also need to talk to him about his receptionist. It is OK for her to be irritated (we are all human), but it is not OK for her to grouse about it to you. I cannot count the times I had to pretend I was not bothered by annoyances. Patients are under stress and need understanding. I am sure that she expects understanding when she has to call patients to cancel and reschedule. If she is going to complain to patients about doing her job, she probably is in the wrong job.

If you have email communication with your doctor, this might be a good way to inform him of his receptionist's behavior. Most docs are too busy to be listening in on these phone calls, so unless patients tell him, he probably does not know (and he'd probably be horrified if he did).

Jan Smiler
Thank you Jan, Sharon, Dawn and Rachel.
You are right, I have to speak with my doctor about her.

Rachel, you are also right, the only thing is, that I am terrified that something might go wrong during the dialation. I have meet people at the hospital who thought they were in for a dialation but woke up with a stoma because something went wrong. So I am trying to control my panic-mind, but it is not easy. I have had a looot of bad luck at hospitals. Were originally supposed to have 3 operations but ended up having eight etc. Not the best hospital-experience.
Luckily I don't have to worry about finance. Healthcare here in Denmark is free, so I do also count my blessings, and I send my thoughts to you guys every time I need to use the system.
Lots of love to you all. Your support means the world to me.

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