So it looks like I'll be joining the ranks of ladies who can't conceive naturally after surgeries. All my surgeons (I've had 3) have commented on how much and how tough my scar tissue is, so not a big surprise I guess, but I'm extremely sad and disappointed. All my providers have said I should have no problems with pregnancy (no remarkably increased risks, I should say), and the fertility docs say I'm a good candidate for IVF. I have always had some reservations about IVF, not super comfortable with the whole "extra embryos" situation if that were to come up, but I just want another baby so badly, more than anything, and think we could work out a way to do it that we were comfortable with. We are local to a renowned infertility center and they are ready to get us started as soon as we decide.
DH is not particularly on board. He says he is still thinking about it, but every time we talk he just lists all the reasons we shouldn't do it--morally/ethically (feels like we would be "playing god" is all he can articulate about this), my health: things have unexpectedly gone wrong for me in the past, so why should we trust these providers who give us good odds for success and safety? And what if I have horrible complications and can't carry any more and we have all these extra embryos? And how could he live with himself if something happened to me or the baby?
He is someone with whom it's absolutely excruciating to make hard decisions. He is paralyzed by his inability to control things, and plays devil's advocate until I'm ready to tear my hair out. He is so fearful of everything. And I feel so angry with him right now. It's my body, I'm listening to my providers, I'm not afraid. Could things go badly? Sure, I know that, but I think it's worth it to try, and I am confident that we have a great chance of things going just fine. Neither of us feels particularly called to adoption right now, though that could change over time (I have some reservations about this related to personal experience).
Anyway, DH is going to talk to our priest tomorrow (Episcopalian, not Catholic). So we'll see what that gives up. I just needed to unload somewhere, I am so very sad right now.
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