Liz, I am doing ok. Stayed out of the hospital for two weeks now! I consider that progress

. I am getting stronger every day. My energy level is low but I am starting to get out of the house for short periods of time. We took our little one pumpkin picking yesterday. It was great to get out. And although I am still in pain it felt great not to have to find a bathroom! I am starting to see the light at last! I saw my surgeon on Thursday. He said to give it about six months to heal. He said he put me through a lot and I need to give my body time. Are you still out of work? If so, how long do you anticipate being out. I have to battle my short term disability carrier every few weeks and am not looking forward to it. I wish I was rich and could just take a year or so off. But a few months will be good. Another question, how long did you take pain meds for after surgery? I am going to order the deodorant tablets tomorrow and will let you know how they work. Hope you are healing well.