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Hello!! I am 38 weeks pregnant and for the last 8 months my OBGYN, surgeon and I have been discussing how I will deliver. They both think I am a good candidate for vaginal birth. I really want to as well but I am a little nervous about the risks. They both say it is my decision and there are pros and cons to both. I would like to hear anyones feedback but if you personally have been through this and can help that would be great!! My time is closing in and he could be here any day now!
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Comber, have you had any children pre-pouch? My docs and I had a plan based on my previous delivery (pre-pouch). They wanted to keep the baby the same size or smaller as my first to prevent tearing. We did an ultrasound around 37 weeks to get an idea of the baby's size. We then decided to go up to 38 1/2 weeks, and if the baby didn't come, we would induce (to keep him from getting too big). Also, the docs wouldn't induce me unless I was at least 3 cm dilated on my own. Fortunately, I was, so we induced and it went great.

One pieces of advice...if this is your first pregnancy, don't rush an induction. If you aren't dilated a good amount and your cervix isn't ready, you have a good chance of it not working and ending up with a c-section.

Hopefully your baby will come on his own any day now!
No this is my first child. I had a growth ultrasound at 37 weeks and he was 6 pds 10 oz. But they say they can be off by 1 pd. I am not very big so a lot of people think the baby is small but that's not always the case. Like you said, my doc won't induce unless I am atleast 3 cm. Thank you for the advice! I appreciate it!
Comber - i chose to have a c-section with both of my children.. i just had my 2nd in october.. he was 10lbs!!! you just never know how big they will be! do whatever delivery method makes you more comfortable.. it's a stressful situation without the added worry of "did i make the right choice"... good luck. hope all goes well. i agree with PP on not rushing an induction.. you will have the best results if you let your body go into natural labor.. i was in labor with both of mine when we did the sections.. i wanted my boys to be fully developed! truth be told.. i was scared to death to rip or tear, which is why i chose csection.. recovery was easy - compared to the Jpouch surgeries!

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