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So I think I’m dehydrated. I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday- battling a bout of a stomach virus or something. Trying to drink but it’s just hard. Just took my blood pressure which is usually low and it’s normal, which is good, but my pulse is 120. I feel exhausted and am now at the point where I can’t pick up my toddler (25 lbs). Should I go to urgent care? Been pushing Gatorade but I can’t keep up. I think I could benefit from an IV but I really don’t want to go to the ER.

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It sounds like you need fluid PDQ. Do you know if your Urgent Care has IV capability? If not, could you call them to find out? I know how hateful the ER is, but it sounds like you’re on your way to bigger problems if you don’t handle this one.

There are better rehydration solutions than Gatorade, though Gatorade tastes better. Pedialyte does the job pretty well in a pinch.

I do have pedialight from when my daughter was sick earlier in the week, so I did try that last night.

Unfortunately no the urgent care doesn’t have IV fluids. I did still go because I had to get my covid test for my surgery on Thursday. They did say if I’m feeling like this at the end of the day today, I should go to the ER for fluids. I’m going on day 2 feeling like this, so I think I’m just going to go. My heart rate is now up to 140 resting rate and my BP is low. No headache though which is good. I just need to get myself feeling right before Thursday, so I can get the surgery done!

Last edited by Bubba1028

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