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Hi Guys

I’m 13 weeks preg and getting a bit concerned about by scars allowing room for the baby to grow. I have large hip to hip scar. It was opened 4 times and got a very deep infection in it, which had to be packed daily for 6 months before it healed. It still causes me pain 4 years after last surgery, and has not stretched at all since I gained weight post surgery, all that has happened is that the fat sits in an apron above the scar line and hangs down and it is still stretched tight and flat below the scar line.

My baby is sitting below the scar line at the moment, and as I know I have very bad adhesions I am concerned it will not allow room to grow!

Has anyone else had the same sort of scar, where it’s hip to hip and not breast to pubic bone?

I also have large stoma scar which causes pain (that got infected too and healed badly)

As I’m in the UK we don’t have specialist doctors during pregnancy – just midwife (she’d never heard of a J-pouch and has never had anyone with scaring before) and my GP (he hasn’t got a clue – told me I had IBS for 17years without any examination) Basically, I’m on my own with no help from medical profession so I’d be grateful if any of you have any advice!

This baby is a result of 9 years of trying, 3 rounds of IVF, one miscarriage and £30,000 debt –so I’m understandable very anxious for things to go well.
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As I understand it, generally the baby growing is stronger than adhesions and will pull away any that block it's growth. It can be painful, but nothing you can't take.

I would guess you will have pain but nothing serious will happen with regard to the scars. Even scarred skin is more flexible than you might imagine. Just keep an eye on the old incisions and see how it goes.

My incision was vertical, but think of how many women have c-sections and then get pregnant again - if a horizontal scar and the scar tissue below it made it impossible for babies to grow right, we would have heard about it by now.
The good news is that the hormones of pregnancy that loosen your ligaments to allow for uterine growth, and delivery later on, also relaxes the tough scar tissue so it can stretch. The external scars will not be an issue at all, and adhesions will stretch and possibly break, causing some pain, but again, not a problem.

Enjoy your pregnancy! A question though. Doesn't the IVF team that facilitated your pregnancy also follow you during the pregnancy?

Jan Smiler
Just to reassure yourself along the way you can give yourself deep tissue massages with warm oil over the scar sites that will help you to 'feel' your scar better and ease the don't need a specialist or doctor for that, just apply warm oil (olive oil is just fine and you can heat it up with a few sprigs of lavander or thym to give it a nice scent) and massage in circles over the scar putting mild pressure with your fingertips as you go...if you feel pain then ease up on the pressure...put a bit more pressure if you can tolerate it but do not do anything that causes you pain (or get your hubby to do it for you Big Grin)Do it for about 5 minutes every night before bed and again after your shower in the morning if you have time.
Cocobutter is also good and so is Manoi keeps the scar more flexible and helps the skin to remain supple...As an added bonus it is said that it helps to prevent stretchmarks!

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