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I also have a big problem with keeping on muscle / weight and entering mid life at 47 combined with chronic musculoskeletal and joint pain. I am a not a big guy but I was always naturally muscular. In the past 5 years I have lost the majority of my muscle mass and I am thinner than ever. (lost about 10 lbs just this year) My J pouch is now 31 years old (Mayo Clinic in 1985) and I am considering whats called Human Growth Hormone "STIMULANT". It is supposed to naturally stimulate your pituitary gland to PRODUCE more HGH. I have been told it is TOP OF THE LINE, organic/ all natural with very little side effects and that it has helped many people with chronic muscle and joint pain from either FIBRO or Arthritis related to IBD. The brand is called SEMORELIN and my doctor assures me that it is of the highest quality and can be used for a specific period of time (based on blood levels being monitored)... sometimes about 6 months to boost levels and then you stop it. Doctor said it will definitely help build muscle working out or not! I cannot do ANY of the protein shakes with WHEY. Only the vegan ones ( no milk, lactose or SOY!!) Using ORGANIC (by Orgain) now and I am trying to increase my daily caloric intake. Would be great to discuss this with others as I am feeling so alone and overwhelmed with my situation. This pain has debilitated me now for 15+ years and I'm not making progress with my local doctors.   My chronic pain is debilitating so its a vicious cycle of not being able to build up my body physically to help with the pain... Cannot function without Percocet or Vicodin. I am considering Low Dose Naltrexone but am first making a trip to Mayo Clinic in October for a full evaluation by many different specialists. I have not been seen at Mayo in 20 years. All of my local tests (OPEN MRI) (lumbar and pelvis) and blood work do not show ANY of the CLASSIC typical "markers" for IBD related arthritis / Ankylosing Spondylitis. No Sacroiliac joint involvement but yet based on SYMPTOMS, I was told in 2000 that I had Ankylosing Spondylitis (Enteropathic Arthritis). I want Mayo to due further testing with newer technology (CLOSED MRI... with higher magnification) because I cannot live with the chronic lumbar and muscle / joint pain and local doctors feel it is more FIBROMYALGIA than anything. But like others, I now am looking at a hip replacement (now have bad Osteoarthritis of the left hip) so I need answers!! Tried BIOLOGICS (Humira and Remicade) 10 years ago. Too toxic. Landed me in the hospital over and over with infections. I do have episodes of pouchitis as well and DO NOT want to take antibiotics as I believe that long term CIPRO specifically can be contributing to my chronic nerve and or muscle pain. I am interested in the latest studies regarding bacterial overgrowth in the pouch and CHRONIC pain. Hoping Mayo or Cleveland can help with this. I was told that Mayo does biopsies or ASPIRATES to look at bacterial overgrowth.  Some centers do the BREATH TEST to determine SIBO.  (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).   I have had neither performed yet.  First trip to Mayo in October of 2016. I will be seen by GI and Rheumatology as well as my original surgeon before he retires. His name is is John H. Pemberton and he did my J-pouch surgery with I was only 16 years old! He wants to do the pouch exam (Pouchoscopy). If Mayo does not help me, I will go to Cleveland in 2017 and see Dr Shen and a Rheumatologist there. Hope to hear from anyone with any input or suggestions. I am so tired of being in pain and having a terrible overall QUALITY of life. It impacts everything and of course I have not been able to work. I can also be reached directly at:  Anyone try Low Dose Naltrexone LDN with success for chronic pain and/ or the pouch issues??

Best to all of you!



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I also had my j pouch surgery at Mayo.  Mine was in 1981 by Dr. Robert Beart and I later participated in a clinical study conducted by Dr. Pemberton.  It appears that your problems do not relate primarily to your j pouch, but it is wise to have it scoped as part of your examination.  The great thing about Mayo Clinic, and also Cleveland Clinic, is that you can be seen by a number of specialists who work together in conducting your examination and in making recommendations for follow-up care.  Hopefully others can address the other issues you mentioned since I have not experienced these problems myself.  Be sure to let us know how your October exam turns out and I hope they can provide a good resolution for you.


Thank you Billy!  So great to hear of your story and I am so happy you are still doing well.  If it were not for my Arthropathy / Arthritis pain / Fibro pain, I would be doing well.  The pouch is mangageable with probiotics and occassional antibiotics like Xifaxan.   Have you been back to Mayo for follow up and do you need to be on antibiotic therapy at all or occassionally...?  If so how often?  I do remember Dr. Bearts name... even though I was so young.  Dr. Pemberton is wonderful and I am praying Mayo can help me as well.  

Hi Mike,

My story is lengthy.  I returned to Mayo two times for a second opinion on high grade dysplasia in the anal canal.  The first time followed removal of a small malignant polyp.  The condition returned 7 years later and Dr. Pemberton recommended removal of the j pouch and creation of an ileostomy.  I was strongly against having an ileostomy with its associated quality of life issues and followed up my research on the k pouch and BCIR which do not require an external bag.  I opted for the BCIR and the results have been excellent.  I never had to use antibiotics with the j pouch, but did for several months after my BCIR surgery.  Since then, I have not needed any antibiotics.


I had my BCIR surgery in April, 2013 and my surgeon was Dr. Ernest Rehnke in St. Petersburg, FL.  After my consultation with Dr. Pemberton, I learned that they no longer do the k pouch at Mayo and have never done the BCIR.  Cleveland Clinic does the k pouch surgery.  Although I was disappointed with Dr. Pemberton’s recommendation for an ileo vs. a k pouch or BCIR (he said I was too old to get one, which is BS), he did a very good examination that confirmed that there was no cancer present. 

My BCIR surgery went very well and I am completely satisfied with the results.  With this procedure, I am able to do almost any activity I want, eat most of the foods I want, get a full night’s sleep and not have to worry about any leakage or odor as I would likely have had with the bag.  Please feel free to send me a PM if you would like to talk.


Hi Jersey,

I am so sorry. There are no words. But I do have some questions.

Firstly, what in your opinion is the primary issue, the weight loss, the muscle loss or the pain?

I know that they are intimately related but which one is the #1 concern?

For the pain, I have found the only way to deal with it (but not cure it by any means) is to submerge myself in water. At home I spend a lot of time in the bath but while on vacation I spend 2-4hrs in the pool. Hot or cold, pool or sea, doesn't matter...I need to keep my body in water...I do not just float but exercise a lot using a Noodle to help me with the exercises. I have found that almost any physical activity outside of the water causes increased pain. 

Even walking or bending so my refuge is water.

Heat and cold alternately help too as well as a Jacuzzi if you can find one.

I try to avoid heavy meds unless I am in a flare (had a major one in Jan-March, was walking with canes)...They put me on tramadol that didn't even touch the pain, codine deadened my brain but didn't help...there is nothing stronger that they give unless I want to get bumbed up to morphine and I refused that.

I do not know what helped the flare but I am not using canes any longer. 

The only way that I can imagine you putting on muscle is either water exercises with floating weights (resistance) or using those electro stimulation machines which do help a lot...they are now rather cheap to buy and are the same quality as the ones used at the  PTs office.

Good luck and let us know how the growth hormone works.


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