Hello everyone. I am just over 6 months post operation and I feel great. The J Pouch is working better than I could have ever imagined. I was initially having 5-7 BMs a day but now for the past 3 months it is 1-3. UC has taken 4 years of my life away but I feel like I am back on track. I plan to go to university next year and I have been experimenting with fizzy drinks and found that a pint of fizzy drink only slightly increases BMs. 2.7 average with fizzy drinks compared to 2.32 without. But I feel the urgency to use the toilet is greater when I drink and there is a feeling a discomfort. However not enough to be cause of concern.
So I ask this question, how do deal with fizzy drinks and alcohol? Are there some alcohol that works well with J Pouch? Is there any non-fizzy alcohol? As you can tell, I don't have have much experience with alcohol. I only remember drinking fizzy ones. I have never had alcohol after my ostomy surgery as I wasn't really out and about. But after the pandemic passes I hope to rectify that.
Any tips will help.
Thank you.