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Hey guys,

After 9 years of drugs for pouchitis, the list includes Stellera, Humira, Prednisone, Tinizadole, cipro, Xifaxan and flagyl. Nothing works anymore for my j pouch.

I live in NC and we are about 9 months away from legal medical marijuana. I cannot wait that long.
I am going to drive 4 hours to DC where dispensaries are legal.
This is the last resort before going to a bag.

Can anyone private message me that is familiar with an oil/gummy or a store that specializes in the correct anti-inflammatory?

I am sorry if this breaks rules, but I am just done with the bathroom.

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If you're new to cannabis you should start with a low dose like 2.5mg. CBD is the anti-inflammatory, I take 50mg of CBD oil in pill form. My last scope is the first time there was no inflammation and my GI and Cannabis Dr both think the CBD is the thing that is working.

I also use THC pills or vape to help me eat and sleep. THC also helps me "not need to go".

The biggest thing to remember is start at a low dose and work up to something that works for you. If you're CBD oil has to much THC you may find it problematic if you don't like the THC effect, this is just something to watch out for. CBD and THC are not equal in any regards.

Find a shop that is willing to talk to you and tell them what you are looking for.

Good luck from Canada where it's legal everywhere.

I just got my medical card here in MA.  I started back in 2008 when I ran out of options.  i took every horrible pill they gave me, especially the steriods were the worst (and best unfortunately).  When I decided to try it it was only researched in AU and UK with promising results.  When I was younger I did it a lot but once older quit for 10-15 years until this happened.

For those who think it is crap I can tell you without any doubt in my mind whatsover IT WORKS and works WELL at least for me.  During my worst episodes it would give me a couple of hours of relief from feeling I had to go.  It also helped my appetite and attitude.  I still smoke everyday to this date and aside from a couple of setbacks have felt great. 

I had one time where I was not at a place I could go other than a corn field and I mean it was coming out one way or another!  I smoked very little and within a minute I felt normal.  I went home, ate, took my time and eventually used the bathroom.  It is not always like that but that proved to me beyond any doubt it has a very positive effect.  Its a triple shot:

No pain

No urgency

Great appetite

Hang in there because it will be medically legal everywhere soon I believe. 


There is no need for a medical card in MA. Marijuana is legal for recreational purposes. There is a great store in Holyoke, Mass called Canna Provisions. They have a sister store in Lee, Mass. Both stores are excellent.

There is also an online order distillery called CBDistillery which another member here recommended to me. I just placed my first order for sleep gummies with them and it should arrive by UPS today or tomorrow. No need to drive to DC when you have this:

Last edited by CTBarrister

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