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Anything is possible...if you have a narrowing of a zone (a stricture) or a strangulation or a twist anything that serves as a stopper can cause a problem...Try crushing them...

I just saw my rhumy who has decided that I should be crushing my anti inflamatories instead of swallowing them whole...I figure if I can crush them then I can crush vitamins.


ps..I take all sorts of chewables: multivitamins, calcium+d, biotin, probiotics, collagene...

Last edited by skn69

Has anyone had a vitamin deficiency develop since getting the j pouch.  I'm experiencing swollen lips and tongue as well as red rash around my lips and cracks at the end of my lips.  After going to several doctors to check if it was due to an allergy (food, toothpaste or?) or stomach gasses, nothing came up answering the reason.  The only clue I have is one doctor said to be tested for B2 or B3 deficiency.  My doctor has tested for everything else under the sun, but not that - yet.   

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