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I am now 50 and have FAP.  I just got my 3rd huge cyst on my butt 2” from my rectal opening on the outside.  This cyst was intact but the area was abscessed.  I have a huge hole left open so I am changing the gauze 10x a day.  Has anyone had one like this?  I’ve had way over 30 cysts removed from all over my body.

As we know without proper medical care, we won’t live as long.  I have excellent doctors and they do their research.  It seems to me the older I get, there’s less known about how health issues go.  Yes, we know what is already known.  Does anyone get frustrated with really the “unknown” with FAP?  Every person’s experience with FAP is different.  Since I was diagnosed 22 years ago, I’ve not let having FAP let me down.  I believe we go through experiences to help others.  It’s just something in life I deal with.


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