I have not been without cuffitus since first diagnosed yrs. ago. Canasa prescribed b/c doc says the inflammation is right at opening and using other meds would have to go throughout my body. Never been diagnosed with annual fisher but my issues is right in the opening. Painful at times with not having a bowel movement and at times hurts so bad can't hardly stand to have bowel movement. Seems even if stool thicker it pushes to the upper right hand corner to come out which seems to not open up fully causing pain. Don't know if I have same that ones with colon can also have. Doc did mention one time. Can't think of the name. Can occur from going back/forth type consistency of stool or certain foods. Any suggestions? Also does anyone use something besides canasa for cuffitus? Also think inserting it causes irritation. There are sometimes I don't even try using thinking too painful already before inserting.