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I am almost 2 months post take down and getting used to my j pouch. I have a cruise planned that I have been so excited about Leaving in about two weeks. I'm finding that I'm getting more nervous about it the closer it comes. What will I do if I have to wait in long lines to check in or board the ship?  Will my stateroom be ready when I board so I'll have a more private bathroom available?  What if I eat something that doesn't agree with me?    Everything revolves around my bathroom habits!  Has anyone gone on a cruise?  What can I do to make Everything more comfortable for myself And so I'll quit worrying so much?  Thanks for any suggestions or advice!!  

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I've done much cruising since having my J-pouch and for me it is a wonderful way to travel.  Don't worry about waiting to board.  There are bathrooms in the waiting area.  Also, tell the people in charge when you first check in that you have a medical condition and you would like to be boarded with the group of people who need assistance because of physical disabilities.  They usually are almost the first group to board.  Don't worry about whether or not your stateroom is ready when you board.  Mine has almost always been ready but not always.  There are many, many bathrooms on cruise ships.  This is a good opportunity for you to get used to using public bathrooms and not tying yourself down to always wanting to use your own bathroom.  Good habit to get into!  Consider this a positive experience!  Also, try not to worry about the types of foods available.  Just enjoy!  Take a barrier cream like Calmoseptine with you.  I also carry non-alcohol baby wipes.  If you have problems leaking during the night just plan ahead.  Tell the room steward you have a medical condition and you need a pad for your bed similar to ones used for babies or young children.  They'll supply one.  Most, but not all, ships have laundry facilities.  If  your ship doesn't, you can send laundry out or hand wash things in your sink.  Most important of all.....ENJOY!

I went on a cruise one year after my takedown. (Have another coming up in June....can't wait!) I had no problems at all. There are bathrooms everywhere. I don't know if you've been a cruise before but your biggest challenge is the food. Only because it's food all the much as you want....ALL THE TIME. Lol. So you will find yourself eating more just because it's there. I gained 5 pounds that week. Crazy. Pack some Imodium (if you use it) and your barrier cream such as calmopseptine. Maybe even bring your own soft toilet paper. I found there was so much to do on the ship my mind wasn't even on my j pouch at all. To answer one question, our stateroom was not ready when we boarded. i believe we had to wait a couple of hours but again, there are bathrooms all over. Where are you cruising to? 

I always bring a course of antibiotics, just in case I develop pouchitis while traveling, unless it is just a few days of local travel. But, I particularly make sure to do this when traveling out of the country. I have not done oceanliner cruises, but I have done small river cruises. No matter how careful you are there is the potential for picking something up. We learned the hard way to also pack any OTC meds you might need, like antihistamines, decongestants, etc.. It all depends on the countries you go into and what might be available on the ship. Toilet access was never a problem for me, on or off the ship. However, I never passed up the opportunity to relieve myself!


Just like the Boy Scout motto: "Be prepared!"



Last edited by Jan Dollar

I have to share the wonderful bidets made by TOTO of Japan.  In the Tokyo Narita airport public bathrooms are every variety of TOTO bidets made.  On my last trip there a couple of years ago, TOTO had an added feature to their bidet.........a button on the bidet that activated a "courtesy flush"!  The toilet didn't actually flush but made the sound of a flushing toilet when the button was pushed.  So......all of you wouldn't take much to invent a very small hand held device that did the same thing.  Or, better yet, make it a sound on a smart phone!  Why not!?!

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