I'm 20 months post take down and have some advice for you all.
The cramping where you stand or sit still for 10 seconds or whatever is normal for several months after take down. I found if I waited a bit after going to the loo and stood up and then sat down again more BM would come out. Your pouch is getting use to it's job and is trying to send the BM's right through like it did when it was a small intestine - that's how I look at it.
Some say to hold it as long as possible to "train" your pouch and others don't agree. I didn't see the need to do the extreme any way or the other and I didn't have any accidents.
Sleep is going to be elusive, especially in the beginning. I found sleeping pills helped. In the beginning I was afraid I'd mess the bed so I slept with a big towel or pad, like they use in nursing homes or disposable ones, under me. I didn't have an accident but I didn't sleep over 3-4 hours in a row.
Digestive enzimes are very helpful with gas. I started out with "beano" and then progressed to better cheaper digestive enzimes that help with most all foods. Look at the health food store or where supplements are sold. I used a few different brands that were called "super digestive enzimes." I also used generic pepto bismol chewables several times a day. I think they help with the spicy foods and slow down transit time. I learned about Digestive Enzimes and pepto bismol on here so you might want to do a search for past threads discussing them.
Cramping all the time like when I had UC or labor pains can be caused my many things. When the Cipro helped made me think you might have pouchitis as Cipro helps it.
Many of us take probiotics to help with pouchitis prevention. There are also many good threads to search for on here concerning them. I use VSL#3DS as my insurance pays for it after I reach my maximum deductible. Others have good recommendations on here as well. My nutritionist said to use only the refigerated kind as they are live cultures. I found out about probiotics on this site as well and asked my Internist to write the prescription. Since she handles all of my prescriptions and monitors my vitamins and supplements.
I have fibromyalgia so have other aches and pains as well. It might be a good idea to see a rheumy for joint problems.
I tried taking an antispasmodic back then and didn't notice it helped with the cramps. I did take non NSAID pain medications. I also took a lot of warm baths, sitz baths and heating pads became my new best friend. They help with lower back aches and on the abdomen.
My surgeon did tell me to use Imodium and fiber. I took generic metamucil in caplet form as didn't like mixing it in fluid and drinking. Plus you don't need to drink as much water because we are using it to thicken. Some people like metmucil wafers and they have more calories.
You all sound like you are dealing with all of this very well. It's a long recovery.
Take care