Try to hang in. Since your kock pouch is relatively new, the pain or discomfort is possibly just the pouch getting used to serving as a resovoir. And yes, the pain from air in the pouch can cause intense cramping pain. Try to drain the pouch following the surgeons advice or the schedule they gave you. Also, you may want to insert a catheter into the pouch and attach to a leg bag, or just insert catheter and clamp it off and unclamp to drain every few hours. This saves you from having to traumatize the valve with repeated insertions. Also, try and irrigate pouch with saline or clean fresh water once or twice a day. Be careful of diet, just have easy to digest foods that will not clog the catheter. Also, the cramping and such may just be a bout of pouchitis, maybe your doc can prescribe a course of antibiotics..ideally, with this situation the surgeon or a gi doctor should scope the pouch to make a definite diagnosis. I am not a physician, just offering some helpful ideas which worked for me personally with issues regarding kock pouch. Try to be very careful with the valve and intubation, perhaps just have clear fluids like warm tea, jello, pedialyte, etc and try and see or communicate with surgeon or gi. I know the pain you are describing, and that it can be severe, but once the cause is found, there is help to make you and the pouch feel better.