I had my takedown surgery May 29th 2013. I took ten days off of work and for those ten days I felt like my body was adjusting well to the surgery and the pouch. Since June 10th, I have been experiencing cramping that seems not to go away and at times so severe it takes me to my knees. I feel the urge to go but when I sit down to go nothing seems to come out or it is just a minor amount. Last week the cramps were so severe I left work early and went to the ER. They admitted me and took some xrays showing mild dilation in the bowel. My doctor saw me the next day and told me it was pretty much "growing pains." It seems if I take percoset of vicodin it makes the pain and cramping go away but the doctor does not want me to take the narcotics because it could shut my bowel down. My questions for the discussion are... has anyone tried midol to take the cramping away? Is this something that everyone experiences and if so how long did it take to go away and how long were you off work? Did i go back to soon. The doctor didnt have any objection to me going back (I operate a sports bar and i am on my feet for ten hours a day, not to mention the bar is not in the best of areas of Cleveland). Please Help 

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