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It has been a Year and four months since my daughter had her takedown surgery. She has done extremely well and has had minimal complicaitons. Lately though she has complained of having stomach pain and explains it as though a needle is poking her inside her
stomach. Just today it lasted all day and she came home and just wanted to lay down on the couch. She said it is not bad enough to go and visit a doctor but it did prevent her from going to soccer practice. She also has said it feels like someone is punching her stomach.
She is twelve years old.
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Any specific dietary changes? Change in physical activity (new sports or exercise plans?), new drugs or meds that she is taking or stopped taking? A change in the fluids that she drinks? (more carbonated drinks?)...unless there is a direct relation to one of the above or something else that I didn't mention then I agree with Jan...pain is a symptom of something...persistent pain is a symptom of something persistant (doctor told me that one)...and it needs checking out.

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