Not sure if I have Pouchitis or some kind of bacteria overgrowth, but I do know I get really tired of all the gas. I can go to the bathroom and think I get it all out and then 5 minutes later it feels like I need to get more out. I take a probiotic and when I've called my surgeon he has given me Flagyl (sp?) and I feel better for awhile. Last scope was in 10/16 and it looked good. Other than lots of gas the only other thing is bad butt burn that aggravates a sore spot, which I know is not a fissure. I've seen a lot of people take VSL 3 and does that do a good job with gas? I seen reviews on Amazon that it makes you poop a lot, is that true for Jpouchers also?
Another weird thing I have happen in the afternoon frequently is when I need to go to the bathroom I can't pee unless I empty my pouch somewhat first. Does that happen to anyone?