The reason i ask this question is because the first time I ever experienced any kind of bloody bowel movements was during an unseasonably cold day years ago. I had the typical symptoms of headaches, a temperature and diarrhea with unbearable stomach cramps. Although the blood was nowhere near as heavy as an extremely mild case of UC, it was something new which I hadn't seen. Six months later had proctitis, this was after months of the occasional minor bloody bowel movement which i had mistaken for tomato skins.
Clearly I am no medical professional however given that no one knows the exact causes of UC I want to know if anyone else had any different or similar experiences. I am reminded of the numerous testimonies I have heard from people who have suffered traumatic injuries from car accidents etc, who are never the same again and end up developing new problems like arthritis. Since having weeks of flu like symptoms is something of a trauma , am I right to draw parallels ? And even though none of us have colons anymore is the writing on the wall for future ailments ?