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hi all,

I haven't been a j-poucher in many years, but I think so highly of this board that I keep coming back Wink I'd love it if anyone had some thoughts on this.

I've had my ileostomy for 12 years due to UC and have been lucky to have no disease-related issues since my colectomy. But every few months, I have 'episodes' of massive liquid output, general abdominal cramping, nausea, and sometimes vomiting that seem to last a few hours then disappear. There doesn't ever seem to be a reason and my husband has never gotten sick at the same time. They seem to be happening more this year.

Waaayy back in the day (2004ish) I developed a stricture in my stoma after a revision, and had constant, terrible partial obstructions in the stoma. Those caused the same kinds of symptoms, but I remember the cramping being very localized and intense at the stoma. But many of these went on for a long time (18+ hours) so I don't really remember what a 'mild' obstruction felt like, or how they started out.

I was wondering if this sounds like a small partial bowel obstruction higher up in the bowel. Do they happen without intense localized pain in one spot? Or does this not sound like it? I'm so over this :roll: and wish I could figure it out.

thanks in advance for any help or personal experiences!
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hi Scott!
I don't know what other peoples' experiences have been like, but I also had massive liquid output with my many stoma obstructions, as if my body was trying to flush out the obstructions.

I stopped eating at suspicious-looking takeout restaurants many years ago after spending 3 days in the hospital thanks to a particular ethnic restaurant Wink
I have chalked it up to food poisoning or a 24-hour stomach bug many times and not given it another thought. But now it's happening more often, and there never seems to be a culprit such as a suspicious food or anyone sick around me. I'm just really frustrated at this point and wondering if there's something I'm missing. T
It's hard to say because your symptoms are transient and seem to pass fairly quickly. I would lean more toward virus/food poisoning, given that the symptoms seem to come on suddenly, though of course it can't be ruled out that some of these instances might have also been due to a partial obstruction. In the past, I did have an excessive liquid, bile-like output with one of my more severe obstructions with the loop ileo; though with my other obstruction requiring hospital treatment (both post-op and all with the ileostomy) I had no output whatsoever. That being said, all my of obstruction symptoms, either partial or full, were also accompanied by severe wave-like cramping. When I've had intestinal viruses, the cramping was more generalized, feeling more like very bad gas. The symptoms of a virus also come on a lot more suddenly. At least with my obstructions, the symptoms always developed gradually and worsened over a period of several hours. The nausea/vomiting didn't usually set in until a few hours after the initial symptoms appeared, whereas when I've had a virus, the cramping, nausea and diarrhea usually hit all at once like a ton of bricks.

However, since this is becoming a more common occurrence (and I would say that dealing with these symptoms several times a year would be too much for me to accept!) it might be worthwhile to talk to your GI or surgeon. It's possible you have stenosis, stricture, adhesions, scar tissue, kink or other type of narrowing, resulting in somewhat frequent but relatively short-lived partial obstructions, and you have these symptoms until the blockage clears. From your description though, the good thing is that if this is the case, it sounds like the blockages are working themselves through on their own. The bad news is that you don't want this to keep happening, and you run the risk of a more severe obstruction at some point down the road. So my advice is that it wouldn't hurt to have this looked into, and rule out a possible narrowing/adhesion. At least then you'd have a little more peace of mind.

Remember, too, that some people are just more prone to intestinal viruses/bad food reactions than others, sort of like the canary in the coal mine scenario. That is, everyone in your group might eat the same food, but you're the only one who shows symptoms. If everything else checks out, it could just be that you fall into the category of one of these people who are more sensitive to food borne illness, and you might have to adjust what/where you eat accordingly.

Best of luck!
Last edited by Spooky

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