I haven't been a j-poucher in many years, but I think so highly of this board that I keep coming back

I've had my ileostomy for 12 years due to UC and have been lucky to have no disease-related issues since my colectomy. But every few months, I have 'episodes' of massive liquid output, general abdominal cramping, nausea, and sometimes vomiting that seem to last a few hours then disappear. There doesn't ever seem to be a reason and my husband has never gotten sick at the same time. They seem to be happening more this year.
Waaayy back in the day (2004ish) I developed a stricture in my stoma after a revision, and had constant, terrible partial obstructions in the stoma. Those caused the same kinds of symptoms, but I remember the cramping being very localized and intense at the stoma. But many of these went on for a long time (18+ hours) so I don't really remember what a 'mild' obstruction felt like, or how they started out.
I was wondering if this sounds like a small partial bowel obstruction higher up in the bowel. Do they happen without intense localized pain in one spot? Or does this not sound like it? I'm so over this :roll: and wish I could figure it out.
thanks in advance for any help or personal experiences!