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Quick question; there may not be much evidence to answer this but as someone who has a j-pouch after having my colon removed due to ulcerative colitis, does this put me in an “at risk” category? Will it be harder for me to fight off the virus if I was to get it?

My FBC is all spot on at the moment, and my pouch is functioning well like it always has done. I only take three loperamide tablets per day with no other medication... just curious what these experts mean when they say people with “underlying health conditions” are at risk, not sure if this would concern me or not.


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The underlying health conditions that seem to create particularly elevated risk are cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and pulmonary disease. No one has any idea if a J-pouch + underlying UC creates elevated risk. The best reason for us all to avoid getting infected is to help protect our communities from an impending horror show (in which we would each be an unhappy participant). 

20 years with the pouch for me, and I'm considering myself at risk, even though I'm under 50.   I've had a few non pouch illnesses through the years that have spiraled out of control fast, mainly due to dehydration or pain meds causing pouch issues.  There is just no way our systems are 100 percent after losing a colon.

I've got a whole cabinet filled with food/drinks for if I do get sick.  Pedialyte, Ensure, soup, etc.  If I get it and end up in the hospital, it won't be because I was not hydrated or nourished.

I don't necessarily think my system is compromised, but it makes sense if it is, and I'm not taking any chances.  However, I'm also not living in fear of getting it.  I'm following the social distancing rules.

Good luck to all of us.  Stay hydrated.  Don't take any chances.

I am an RN in a pediatric hospital.  The only reason I consider that I am higher risk is because I work with sick children who may have C19.  I diligently wash my hands and am practising social isolation as much as possible.

Everyone, yes this means you, must practice social distancing and wash your hands frequently.  Social distancing means NOT getting together with a friend, standing 2 meters away from others at all times, and only spending time with others in your own household.


Our ability to influence other members of our community varies a lot, and is always limited. The understandable anger we feel when folks flout the rules and recommendations won’t have any effect on those people, but it can make us miserable. It might be helpful to think of these as educational opportunities rather than anything stronger. The public health concepts aren’t so simple. The behaviors may be driven by selfishness, but generally ignorance is right underneath that.

One thing to be aware of is that COVID-19 seems to sometimes start with gastrointestinal symptoms before fever and coughing. Please don’t allow this information to make you hyper-anxious, since many of us often have such symptoms, but it’s something to keep in mind. Here’s a non-technical reference from

Study: Nearly half of COVID-19 patients experience digestive issues

Hello all.

has anyone noticed since Colectomy that they don’t get colds and flu as much or very mild cases. 

In 12 years I think I got it worse than my wife only twice and she is as fit as a fiddle generally. 

I’m sure I’ve read that the colon plays a big part in the immune system so it may also be where the battle is won or lost but with no colon are we somehow getting an unexpected benefit? 

I also take VSL3 daily (x3) that may have something to do with it? 

Anybody else noticed this? 

I am very rarely ill also. Only ever had the odd common cold here and there but nothing else. Before my surgeries I was picking up common colds more frequently I would say... and I’ve always took just the one Loperamide tablet three times per day since around 4 months after my takedown.

Would be interesting to see the statistics on this sort of thing. 

I was just thinking about this too.  I'm 29 and have had my j-pouch since age 16.  I do tend to get sick easily.  I work at a cancer hospital in administration and we are taking extreme precautions, but I am still wondering if I can get my doctor to write me a letter stating that I should work from home.  Right now they have us rotating with each of us working at home only 2 days a week.

@Winterberry, I’ll openly admit I’m guilty for not drinking anywhere near enough water, I tell myself every day to drink loads but I just don’t seem to... oops. I don’t have a healthy lifestyle either which is the lazy side of me I’m trying to change.

@LIGuy11 I mentioned to my employer that I am possibly in the high risk category due to my previous surgeries and they told me to go home and work from home for the foreseeable as they have a right to protect their staff (I work in a hospital integrating healthcare systems but employed by a private company). So definitely worth asking your employer and mention your health history.

@iHateColitis Hmm seems to be a trend here of plenty of people not feeling ill as often... interesting!

Last edited by JordySimo

JordySimo, late reply one year later! I was searching for Covid vaccine posts and found this one again. A good way to remember to drink water is to drink a full glass every time you finish peeing or pooping. You're in the bathroom already so drink a glass before leaving the bathroom. Think of it as replenishing your fluids after emptying your bladder or pouch. I also keep a large (32 ounces) bottle of water on my desk or wherever I'm working and aim to finish two bottles during the day. Large Mason jars come in 32 ounce sizes, and you can find the universal lids with a hole to fit a straw. Dollar Store. Anything to make it easier.

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