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Just finished. Driving home. I quit eating sugar and carbonated drinks 3 weeks ago. I went to Cleveland clinic. The doctor that did my dialation is not the one that did my scope.

I mention no sugar and no pop bc the endoscope doctor noted that my opening was either the 1st doctor didn't measure right or it changed. I'm wondering if it's inflammation that made it a 2mm. So, he dialated to a 12.5. He said he would do again in 6 to 12 weeks and Amy recommended annually. He said there was a few scattered ulcers in the illiem and took biopsies. He said if I have crohns, it's mild. I feel like it may be the back splash of stool, hopefully,  that has caused the stricture and the ulcers.

I didn't wake up in pain. So far, so good. Minimal blood so zero. Minimal blood was noted on my discharge papers. The nurse said to look for concerns within 48 hours....if I don't have any issues in 48 hours, I shouldn't have issues.

I'm so glad it's over

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@chili123 posted:

I do. It was awful. Absolutely awful. They did in 3 steps and said it was like tissue paper.

I bet it was awful for you! And Yeah I like to keep my pics to look back on how far I have come. Mine was done in 2 steps! I think the three step prepares you more mentally and it makes sure you heal properly. 2 step is too soon in my opinion! Its soo much trauma.

Do you ever want to post your pancolitis pics on here???

@chili123 posted:

Never thought about it.....I'd have to dig them out of a box. I certainly vividly remember them, lol. Have u posted yours?

Yeah I keep my stuff in a folder: I have my colon pics, and my J-pouch pictures. I plan on keeping everything so I can make a scrapbook of it haha. I have not posted mine yet. Some people have posted their J-pouch pics, I love looking at the pics so I can learn more.

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