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Hello ladies, I was wondering if any of you could share with me if you have had a similar situation. I had my takedown surgery in December of 2016 and have had nothing but complications ever since then. It's been 9 months. Most of my complications have been due to not being able to empty my pouch properly and therefore getting pouchitis. I found out last month when I went to my OBGYN that my uterus is prolapsed. But it's only at a stage one or two. I also know that my uterus is retroverted and retroflexed meaning it tilts backwards and it's curved. It sits on top of my rectum instead of the opposite where it would normally sit on top of my bladder. Now because it's prolapsed it is falling and I feel like every time I use the restroom and bear down I'm also pushing down on my uterus and it is blocking anything from being able to come out easily. I have to strain a lot every time I go to the bathroom even though all of my movements are very soft and usually quite liquidy. I will be going and talking to a surgeon this week about a possible hysterectomy. Is there anybody else who has had this issue and the issue was solved by having a hysterectomy? Please respond. It would be very helpful to know if I am not just imagining this.

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