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I love cold cereals and usually eat rice crispies, as I think they are easy to digest. have had j pouch for several years. Just wonder if any of you eat other cold cereals  that you find easy to digest without getting gas and bloating. Everyone here has been so very helpful and I thank you. Wish I could eat bananas or another fruit  with my cereal but find it difficult to digest. Thank you.

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I could eat any cold cereal for years. Granola would move through fast and furious and come out like sand paper, though.  Higher fiber cereals in general kicked through me faster in the past, too. 


I tend to avoid it more now, because I get too thick if I eat too many carbs (ie. breads, pastas, rice, cereals, etc./must eat only sparingly at times).  I do love and tolerate Luna bars without issues, though.  My body likes meats, proteins, veggies, and fruits best these days.

Scott F- I so hope it was true for me that people with J pouch don't need restricted diets, I have had so many problems with foods I eat and have tried so many foods that do not agree with me, I have been through so many tests and just keep on having so many health problems ever since getting a J pouch,my problems seem never ending although doctors have tried to help me.  Thank you for always helping .

When you're having lots of problems much of the time, it's often tempting to try to explain it based on what we eat. The symptoms can sometimes be explained (in whole or in part) by food intolerances, but often they have very little to do with food choices. Sometimes it's a combination effect, in which underlying inflammation (e.g. pouchitis or cuffitis) leaves us sensitive to almost anything we put in our mouths. "What can I eat when I'm sick" is different from "what can I eat?"

I don't eat any cereals because IMHO it's a bunch of processed crap with sugar/ and/or gluten and/or additives, and eating such things shows a lack of respect for your pouch and your body in general.  Just my opinion but the only cereals that should be consumed by J Pouchers are oatmeal (whole oat variety, not processed variety) and whole grain cereals that are completely natural.  It's possible to make a gluten free banana bread with oat flour because I have done it, using all natural ingredients.  The baking process as far as getting the bread cooked just right is VERY difficult if you do not have a convection oven.


I don't see ANY cold cereals like the ones mentioned here on the UMass IBD anti-inflammatory diet, and the reason why is that the medical professionals who devised this diet know it's a bunch of crap:

Last edited by CTBarrister
I was where you are now a few years back, going through test trying to figure out what I could eat & couldnt, pulled everything out of my diet and still very ill. Doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong.
Accidentally ate gluten free one day and didn't have to take any meds after I ate. Wow, a miracle!!
Been on a GF diet ever since 7 yrs, no thanks to my doctor who said he never thought about it with me. You have to be in touch with your own body now a days. Write everything down and if you can find a nutritionist they could help
Sounds like it may be worth a try,
Good luck, hope you find what helps

My "normal" wife had abdominal/stomach and even chest pains that no one could figure out.  Finally, a doctor gave her a breath test (?) for bacteria and found she had SIBO, Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth.  Yes, the kind of bacteria that LOVES gluten.  For several months now she's tried to stick to gluten free (even pasta) and it seems to have helped her tremendously.  So gluten-free may be good for pouchers/IBD-ers and "normal" people alike!


Me, I love cereal and gluten, but if I have issues with my new pouch on August, I'll be switching to as much "GF" gluten-free as I can.


Hi aka knklhead- So many people on this site tell me they are on gluten free food and it has helped them so much, I will certainly look into this maybe it will help me with bloating and so much gas I experience on a daily basis. Thank you so much for sharing  your information with me.  Best regards, Michael NYC

I love cold cereals, particularly Rice Krispies and Corn Flakes, with sliced strawberries and almond milk. I don't have issues with either. Obviously I avoid the sugary cereals.  I also avoid any cereal with bran - I learned the hard way that I certainly don't need quite that much of an extra kick to my frequency!


Although obviously not a cold cereal, plain oatmeal is one of my go to foods. It bulks me up while also making the stool a consistency that is easy to pass.

Last edited by Spooky

I've been thinking about what's the friendliest cereal you can eat for your j pouch?   By friendly I'm talking about something that has a long life in your stomach.    I know something such as bran flakes is very bad news when it comes to my pouch.   I'm not surprised given how rough the surface of bran flakes is.   I'm thinking soft, soggy, surfaces would work the best.   I've been eating cereal with my pouch for over 20 years and still don't know though which is the friendliest?  Right now all I can think is maybe cornflakes are the friendliest. 

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