Having been a sufferer of chronic pouchitis for the majority of the time after my take down I was put on the above trial back in August. This consisted of administering enemas for a six week period of either the drug or a placebo and then trips to the hospital for check ups. I'm approaching the end of the study when I will find out whether I've been taking the drug or not.
To date the only positive to come out of this is that I'm off the antibiotics and have been since August last year! But, my trips to the bathroom have not diminished and on average I visit 10 times a day...I will know in about 6 weeks the outcome after a follow up hospital visit and I'll let you know what it is!
But what I have discovered by accident is that my frequency was reduced by buying multigrain porridge and under-cooking it. On my best day I didn't use a bathroom for 6.5 hours! Sadly I can't only eat porridge, but for the daytime this has proved fantastic!